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合理施肥是夺取水稻高产的重要措施之一。施肥不当,不仅浪费肥料,而且导致减产。农村实行生产责任制后,不少农民不根据土壤性质和水稻需肥特性而盲目施肥,没有发挥肥料的最佳效果。因此,了解水稻的需肥特性,做到合理施肥,对水稻增产增收具有重要作用。一、水稻的需肥特性 1、水稻的需肥量:水稻对氮、磷、钾的吸收数量,按收获物中的含量来计算,每生产1,000斤稻谷需从土壤中吸收氨(N)16—25斤,磷(P_2O_5)8—15斤,钾(K_2O)18—38斤,氮磷钾比例为1:0.5:1.5。水稻吸收的这些养分,大约三分之二是由土壤供给的,不 Rational fertilization is one of the important measures to seize high yield of rice. Improper fertilization, not only waste fertilizer, but also lead to reduced production. After the implementation of the production responsibility system in rural areas, many farmers do not blindly fertilize according to the nature of the soil and the characteristics of rice to be fertilized, and do not exert the best effect of fertilizers. Therefore, to understand the characteristics of rice needs to be fertilized, to increase production and income of rice has an important role. First, the fertilizer needs of rice 1, the amount of fertilizer needed: rice nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorption, according to the content of the harvest to calculate, each production of 1,000 pounds of rice from the soil to absorb ammonia (N) 16 -25 kg, phosphorus (P_2O_5) 8-15 kg, potassium (K_2O) 18-38 kg, NPK ratio of 1: 0.5: 1.5. About two-thirds of these nutrients absorbed by rice are supplied by the soil, no
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