A Reappraisal of Issues Concerning the Renovation and Redevelopment of Beijing's Qianmen Busine

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lv_yj
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The Qianmen area is one of the major commercial centers of Beijing.The future development of this area in-volves issues of various aspects involving communication,preservation of historical buildings,cultural tradition utili-ty of land and space underground.This paper,based on actual field survey of the area,reveals many valuable newplanning concepts. The Qianmen area is one of the major commercial centers of Beijing.The future development of this area in-volves issues of various aspects involving the communication,preservation of historical buildings,cultural tradition utili-ty of land and space underground.This paper,based on Actual field survey of the area, reveals many valuable newplanning concepts.
The Article is based on an on-the-spot investigation of the needs of the residents.Visits were made to obtainin-depth understanding about the patterns in the o
昨天晚上,我改了两个小时的作文,感到很累,想休息一下。但是,我没有来得及闭上眼睛,书桌上那一叠作文本,就晃动起来,一群词语小小人争先恐后地向我奔跑过来。原来是“想 Las
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自1986年至1992年7年来用可见光固化复合树脂美容修复患牙,取得了比较满意的临床效果。现将所观察到的1158例3640牙临床疗效报道如下: From 1986 to 1992 seven years with
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