
来源 :英语画刊(高级版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeanlife
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词汇量的多寡直接影响着英语运用的效果,传统的词汇教学手段仅限于带领学生朗读以及进行听写检测,这样的方法造成很多小学生对于英语词汇的学习都较为反感,学习效果并不显著。图式是人们对事物、环境、知识认知后形成的认知结构,包括认知对象的特点,也包括与旧有的认知产生的联系。比如学习新单词chair(椅子)可能与desk(桌子),bookcase(书柜)等形成“家具”的概念,然后又进一步与house(房屋)联系起来,这 The amount of vocabulary directly affects the effectiveness of the use of English. The traditional method of vocabulary teaching is limited to lead students to read aloud and dictation. This method has caused many pupils to feel more objectionable about the learning of English vocabulary and their learning effect is not significant. Schema is the cognitive structure formed by the people after the cognition of things, environment and cognition, including the characteristics of cognitive objects, and the connection with the old cognition. For example, learning the new chair “chair” may form the concept of “furniture” with the desk, bookcase, etc. and then further with the house,
【内容摘要】英语阅读是英语学习中最为重要的部分。为了提高学生的阅读能力,笔者通过问卷调查等多种方式详细地研究了学生的阅读现状,改进教学方式,采取了一系列措施及方案,鼓励学生改变不良的阅读习惯,通过课堂上一些教学行为,逐渐改变学生的阅读状况,使他们能享受到阅读的乐趣。  【关键词】阅读行为 现状 有效对策  随着高考改革的深入,英语的重要性越来越凸显,对学生英语阅读能力的要求也越来越高,具体体现在:
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