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近代陕西由于地理位置偏僻、交通不便、民风不开,工商业发展较全国其它很多地区远为落后。1930年后,杨虎城主政陕西推行新政,陇海铁路通车西安,以及国民政府“开发西北,建设西安”口号的提出,特别是抗战时期较为稳定的政治、经济环境,竟使陕西工商业得到迅速发展。时人就曾形容此时陕西的工商业状况为“由萌芽而达于勃兴,由简陋进而为相当规模”。与此相伴随,陕西近代工商业领域出现了一些知名企业。这些企业在当时对振兴陕西经济、丰富人民生活、支持抗日战争、革新社会风尚都起了一定的历史作用。 Due to its remote location and inconvenient transportation, the modern people in Shaanxi Province are not open to the public, and their business development is far behind other parts of the country. After 1930, Yang Hucheng presided over the implementation of the New Deal in Shaanxi, the opening of the Longhai Railway in Xi’an, and the national government’s “development of the northwest and the construction of Xi’an,” the slogan was put forward, especially during the War of Resistance Against Japan’s relatively stable political and economic environment, which actually made the industry and commerce in Shaanxi quickly development of. When people once described the business conditions in Shaanxi at this time as “by the bud and reached the booming, from simple and then to a considerable scale.” Accompanying this, some well-known enterprises emerged in the field of modern industry and commerce in Shaanxi Province. At the time, these enterprises all played a historic role in rejuvenating Shaanxi’s economy, enriching people’s lives, supporting the war of resistance against Japan, and reforming the social customs.
Silicon dioxide sol was synthesized by silicon in the presence of alkali catalyst. SiO_2 nanoparticles (size in 8-15 nm) aqueous dispersion was prepared by usin
语文课教师该怎样提问学生?《学记》有这样一段生动的叙述:“善问者,如攻坚木,先其易者,后其节目。”大意是说教师的“问”.应符合学生认识事物的特点和思维规律,由浅入深,由易到难。现代心理学家把提出问题看作是“思维的路标”。可见,课堂提问,它既要教师具有提问的素养和教育机智,又要有科学性与艺术性。  纵观当前的课堂提问,存在弊病颇多。如提问方式上,许多教师常囿于“对不对”、“是不是”、“怎么样”的一问
地震时你一定不要惊慌,要沉着,树立生存的信心,相信会有人来救你,要千方百计保护自己。认清环境保护自己。首先要保护呼吸畅通,挪开头部、胸部的杂物,闻到煤气、毒气时, Whe
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