
来源 :中小学电教(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuhuohua
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现代教育水平不断发展,新教育技术的应用也受到了广泛的普及和推广。电子白板作为一种新的教育教学产品,应用于英语课堂的教学过程中,可以有效地提高课堂的教学效果,并且实现了信息的快速传递,促进师生之间的沟通与互动,突出学生的主体性学习地位。本文对于电子白板在英语课堂教学中应用的相关问题进行了分析和探讨。 The continuous development of modern education, the application of new educational technology has also been widely popularized and promoted. As a new education and teaching product, electronic whiteboard is applied in the process of English classroom teaching, which can effectively improve the teaching effect of classroom, and achieve the rapid transfer of information, promote the communication and interaction between teachers and students, highlight the students’ Subjective learning status. This article analyzes and discusses the related issues of the application of electronic whiteboard in English classroom teaching.
Last Sunday,I went to the supermarket to buy some life things.Two hours later,with full bags of goods in both hands,I left for the nearby stop,tired and hungry.
7月18日,江苏省政府在苏州召开对外贸易政策调整专题座谈会,研究和探讨落实国家对外贸易政策调整新政策的思路和举措。会议提出,要正确理解外贸 On July 18, the Jiangsu pr
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Hello! My name is Cui Junyan. I’m ten years old. My school is very nice. I like it very much. I usually go to school at seven in the morning. At school, I study eight subjects. They’re Math, Chinese,
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摘要目的评价CT上硬化性骨质病变能否作为诊断结节性硬化综合征(TSC)的标准,并鉴别伴发淋巴管瘤病(LAM)的结节性硬化综 Abstract Objective To evaluate whether CT scleros