深入践行“三严三实” 继续深化整改落实

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1月7日,省委常委、省委秘书长刘小燕在杨凌参加杨凌示范区领导班子“三严三实”专题民主生活会并讲话。刘小燕指出,“三严三实”专题教育开展以来,杨凌示范区党工委紧密结合实际,准确把握主题,坚持领导带头,突出问题导向,做到了专题教育与经济社会发展和党的建设两手抓、两促进、两不误。这次专题民主生活会准备充分,查摆问题深刻,开展批评有辣味,既严肃认真又团结和谐,是一次质量较高的民主生活会。 On January 7, Liu Xiaoyan, member of the Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, addressed the leadership team of Yangling Demonstration Zone and the “Three Strictnesses and Three Realities” special democratic life in Yangling. Liu Xiaoyan pointed out that since the launching of the special education on “Three Strictnesses and Three Truths”, the Party Committee of Yangling Demonstration Zone has grasped the theme precisely and closely, taking the lead and the problem-orientation as guidance, and has achieved special education, economic and social development and party building Two hand grasp, two promotion, two correct. The theme of democratic life will be fully prepared, a thorough investigation and investigation, and a hot-blooded criticism. It will be both serious and serious, and is a democratic life meeting with high quality.
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