
来源 :中学物理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oldbuck
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笔者从实践中摸索出一个编辑试题答案的技巧,现在写出来和大家分享。教学中经常利用word编辑试题,可以把题目的答案直接写到答题的地方,然后利用word格式菜单里的隐藏格式把答案隐藏起来,这样,编辑的时候利用常用菜单里的开关按钮控制屏幕上显示或者不显示答案文字;打印的时候可以通过在打印菜单窗口中点击左下角的“选项”按钮,在弹出窗口中通过钩选或不选“隐藏文字”这一项,来控制是否打印答案。答案里的图形、公式编辑器编辑的公式均可以像文字一样隐藏,隐藏格式的内容下面会显示细虚线。 The author explored the skills of an editorial answer from practice and now write it out to share with everyone. The word edit test is often used in teaching. You can write the answer directly to the place where the answer is. Then use the hidden format in the word format menu to hide the answer. In this way, use the switch button in the frequently used menu to control the display on the screen during editing. Or do not display the answer text; when printing, you can click the “Options” button in the lower left corner in the print menu window. In the pop-up window, you can control whether the item is checked by clicking or unchecking “Hide Text”. Print the answer. The graphs in the answer and formulas edited by the formula editor can all be hidden like text, and the hidden dashed lines are shown below the contents of the hidden format.
在做选择题时,用极限思想将研究对象或过程引向极端进行分析,可以使问题变得简单,达到快速解题的目的. When doing multiple-choice questions, using extreme thinking to
The classical problem of a round metal tube collapsing in concertina mode when subjected to axial compressive loading has been reexamined both theoretically an
1. —I hear the snow will——for another two days.  —I hope so. I like playing snow with my classmates.  A. fall B. last C. get D. keep  —2. Do you know——?  —At two this afternoon.  A. what time does th