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1病例资料患者女35岁,孕2产1,因停经39+5周,见红3小时入院,10年前在我院做过卵巢囊肿剥除术,术后至今未见不良反应,手术后两年顺产1女婴。体格检查:T36.9℃,P80分/次,R20次/分,BP110/70mmHg。心肺无异常,肝脾未触及,全身浅表淋巴结无肿大,双下肢无水肿。产科检查:腹部膨隆,宫高 1 case data The patient female 35 years old, 2 pregnancies 1, due to menopause 39 + 5 weeks, see red 3 hours admission, 10 years ago in our hospital had ovarian cyst extirpation, no adverse reactions after surgery, after surgery Two years of a successful baby girl. Physical examination: T36.9 ℃, P80 points / time, R20 beats / min, BP110 / 70mmHg. No abnormal heart and lung, liver and spleen not touched, systemic superficial lymph nodes without swelling, no lower extremity edema. Obstetric examination: bulging abdomen, Gong Gao
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To determine whether the ovarian trauma consequent to the laparoscopic removal of a cyst could result in the development of a humoral immunity, antiovarian anti
目的 :观察血脂康胶囊对高胆固醇血症患者的调脂效果。 方法 :79例高胆固醇血症患者随机分成两组 :血脂康组(37例 ,0 .6 g,bid)与普伐他汀组 (42例 ,10 m g,qd)。服药前与服
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目的 :探讨非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病 (Non -insulindependentdiabetesmellitus ,NIDDM)大鼠血清NAG(N -乙酰 - β -D氨基葡萄糖甘酶 )活性变化与糖尿病微血管病变之间的关系。方