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2012年“一号文件”强调水利政策落实,近期七部委发布《关于进一步做好水利改革发展金融服务的意见》,水利项目拓宽了资金来源。《意见》具体要点如下:鼓励和支持符合条件的地方政府融资平台公司通过直接、间接融资方式,拓宽水利投融资渠道; In 2012, “No. 1 Document” emphasized the implementation of water conservancy policies. Recently, seven ministries and commissions promulgated the “Opinions on Further Improving Water Conservancy Reform and Development of Financial Services”, and water conservancy projects broadened the sources of funds. Specific points of the “Opinions” are as follows: To encourage and support eligible local government financing platforms Companies should broaden the channels for investment and financing of water conservancy through direct and indirect financing;
Objective: To investigate the relationship between the expression of Fas and Fas ligand (FasL) and its biological behavior in human cervix carcinoma. Methods: I
To determine whether the ovarian trauma consequent to the laparoscopic removal of a cyst could result in the development of a humoral immunity, antiovarian anti
目的 :观察血脂康胶囊对高胆固醇血症患者的调脂效果。 方法 :79例高胆固醇血症患者随机分成两组 :血脂康组(37例 ,0 .6 g,bid)与普伐他汀组 (42例 ,10 m g,qd)。服药前与服
Undescended testes are a common urogenital malformation affecting 2-9% of newborn boys. The etiology of cryptorchidism is probably heterogeneous, but insufficie
Objective: To assess the relationship between blood pressure pattern and intrauterine growth restriction in normotensive pregnant women. Study design: Twenty-fo