Targeting head and neck tumoral stem cells: From biological aspects to therapeutic perspectives

来源 :World Journal of Stem Cells | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huolong820
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Head and neck squamous cell cancer(HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer in the world. Effective therapeutic modalities such as surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and combinations of each are used in the management of the disease. In most cases, treatment fails to obtain total cancer cure. In recent years, it appears that one of the key determinants of treatment failure may be the presence of cancer stem cells(CSCs) that escape currently available therapies. CSCs form a small portion of the total tumor burden but may play a disproportionately important role in determining outcomes. CSCs have stem features such as self-renewal, high migration capacity, drug resistance, high proliferation abilities. A large body of evidence points to the fact that CSCs are particularly resistant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In HNSCC, CSCs have been increasingly shown to have an integral role in tumor initiation, disease progression, metastasis and treatment resistance. In the light of such observations, the present review summarizes biological characteristics of CSCs in HNSCC, outlines targeted strategies for the successful eradication of CSCs in HNSCC including targeting the self-renewal controlling pathways, blocking epithelial mesenchymal transition, niche targeting, immunotherapy approaches and highlights the need to better understand CSCs biology for new treatments modalities. Effective and modalities such as surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and combinations of each are used in the management of the disease. In most cases, treatment fails to obtain total cancer cure. In recent years, it appears that one of the key determinants of treatment failure may be the presence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) that escape currently available therapies. CSCs form a small portion of the total tumor burden but may play a A large body of evidence points to the fact that CSCs are particularly resistant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In HNSCC, CSCs have been shown in have an integral role in tumor initiation, disease progression, metastasis and treatment resistance. In the light of such observatio ns, the present review summarizes biological characteristics of CSCs in HNSCC, outlines targeted strategies for the successful eradication of CSCs in HNSCC including targeting the self-renewal controlling pathways, blocking epithelial mesenchymal transition, niche targeting, immunotherapy approaches and highlights the need to better understand CSCs biology for new treatments modalities.
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目的:应用利多卡因致大鼠惊厥模型,在儿茶酚胺合成限速酶酪氨酸羟化酶(tyrosine hydroxylase,TH)抑制剂α-甲基-ρ-酪氨酸(alpha-methyl-ρ-tyrosine,AMPT)以及去甲肾上腺素转运蛋白(Norepinephrine transporter,NET)抑制剂地昔帕明的作用下,观察TH免疫活性以及测定惊厥过程中纹状体部位细胞外液去甲肾上腺素(norepineph
日前,河南省通过审定、命名的高粱品种有7个: 一、豫粱一号 原名高粱3号,系商丘地区农科所选育而成。夏播生育期93天左右。黄红拉,千粒重28.4克。该品种具有抗逆性强,适应性