
来源 :中国医院院长 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duxiaoqingdu
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在医疗服务中处于相对被边缘化的地位,已经是药师群体的“常态”了。这一尴尬局面的出现,源于我国体制与机制安排上对药师的不够重视,这与我国药师能力不足、作用不彰,成为了互为因果的恶性循环。在国外,医师、药师和护师被看作医疗服务的三个重要组成部分,药师被看作保护药品消费者健康的最后一道防线。极强的专业素质,以及明确 Being relatively marginalized in medical services is already the “normality” of the pharmacist community. The emergence of this embarrassing situation stems from the lack of attention paid by the pharmacists to the institutional and institutional arrangements in our country. This is due to the lack of capacity and role of pharmacists in our country and has become a vicious circle of mutual causality. Abroad, physicians, pharmacists and nurses are seen as three important components of medical services, and pharmacists are seen as the last line of defense to protect the health of drug consumers. Strong professional quality, as well as clear
Synthesis of 3″-deoxy and 4″-deoxy Lewisx trisaccharides is described.Phenyl 2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl-4-deoxy-1-thio-β-Dxylo-hexopyranoside was condensed with a d
1 最小可分辨温差(MRTD)检测仪仪器结构及用途RXFT-1型MRTD检测仪由温差(温度)控制器、目标发生器(有两种类型)、准直光学系统和温差指示器组成。用于检测热成像系统(TIS)参
The geometric and electronic properties of some hydrogenated silicon clusters in the presence of oxygen on the surface have been investigated.The density functi
The amino acid at the 119th position of human basic fibroblast growth factor(hbFGF),lysine(K119),is a critical component for its mitogenic activity.However,litt
作为印前业界处于领导地位的克里奥(CREO)公司,为数字印前技术和CTP流程提供了完整的输入扫描方案,包括EverSmart系列扫描仪和Renaissance系列高档网点拷贝扫描仪。 CREO,
【摘要】语言模因论理论指出,语言学习的过程就是语言模因被模仿、复制、传播的过程。本文从语言模因论理论入手,分析了语言模因的复制性、传播性及创造性等特点,并将之与朗读这一传统的语言学习方法相融合,力证朗读是克服输出不能的重要途径之一,有利于提高学习者英语综合语言技能,在大学英语学习中起着重要的作用。  【关键词】模因 朗读 语言技能  朗读是我国自古以来一直推崇的语言学习方法之一,是指用重音、节奏、
语言是一种交际工具,语言学习最终是为交流服务的。本文分析了中学英语口语教学中存在的问题,从中学生角度切入就如何做好学生口语能力的培养做了阐述。 Language is a comm