
来源 :中国学校卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunxiaoyan
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目的了解广州番禺区初中生口腔健康素养及其相关因素,为学校进行初中生口腔健康素养干预提供依据。方法使用自行设计的口腔健康素养问卷和口腔健康影响程度量表中文版,随机分层整群抽取广州番禺区824名初中生进行口腔健康素养及其相关因素调查。结果广州番禺区初中生口腔总体健康素养、健康认知、行为与技能均值分别为(15.36±4.14)(7.68±2.49)(6.79±2.14)与(0.89±0.76);得分>75%的学生比例分别为10.8%,25.4%,24.2%,1.6%。口腔健康素养水平与各维度水平及各维度之间存在明显的关联(P值均<0.05)。学校口腔卫生宣教及自评宣教必要性是影响口腔健康素养水平的主要因素(b值分别为-0.66,-1.46,P值均<0.01)。报告有龋齿和牙龈出血的初中生健康素养得分分别为(14.60±4.14)(14.72±4.19)分,低于没有龋齿和牙龈出血者的(15.70±4.09)(15.81±4.05)分,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01)。口腔健康素养水平与生活质量呈正相关(r=0.087,P<0.05)。结论广州番禺区初中生口腔健康素养水平偏低,口腔健康素养水平与口腔疾病和口腔健康生活质量有关。 Objective To understand the oral health literacy of junior high school students and its related factors in Panyu District, Guangzhou, and to provide basis for the intervention of oral health literacy in junior high school. Methods A total of 824 junior high school students in Panyu District of Guangzhou were investigated with oral health literacy questionnaire and Chinese version of Oral Health Impact Scale by random stratified cluster analysis. Results The average health literacy, health cognition, behavior and skills of junior high school students in Panyu District of Guangzhou were (15.36 ± 4.14) (7.68 ± 2.49) (6.79 ± 2.14) and (0.89 ± 0.76), respectively. The proportion of students with score> 75% Respectively 10.8%, 25.4%, 24.2% and 1.6%. Oral health literacy levels were significantly correlated with the levels and dimensions of all dimensions (P <0.05). The necessity of oral education and self-evaluation in school is the main factor affecting the level of oral health literacy (b = -0.66, -1.46, P <0.01 respectively). The scores of health literacy of junior high school students who reported dental caries and bleeding gums were (14.60 ± 4.14) and (14.72 ± 4.19) points, respectively, which were lower than those of patients without dental caries and gingival bleeding (15.70 ± 4.09 and 15.81 ± 4.05) Statistical significance (P <0.01). There was a positive correlation between oral health literacy and quality of life (r = 0.087, P <0.05). Conclusion The level of oral health literacy of junior high school students in Panyu District of Guangzhou is low, and the level of oral health literacy is related to oral diseases and oral health.
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