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为了对LHT-100霍尔推力器提出热设计优化措施,采用有限元仿真软件进行LHT-100霍尔推力器的稳态、瞬态及空间在轨环境模拟热分析研究,并通过热平衡试验进行了结果比对。分析及试验结果表明,处于工作状态时霍尔推力器的高温部件主要是放电腔、阳极和导磁底座,而受高温影响薄弱部件内线圈、气路组件的温度则分别达到了约401~421℃和141~381℃。热设计优化建议为,在放电腔与内线圈之间增加独立热屏结构后可以有效降低内线圈温度约80~90℃,在阳极气路组件上存在的热应力会是影响霍尔推力器可靠性的重要因素,需要在热设计中得到充分考虑。 In order to put forward the thermal design optimization measures for the LHT-100 Hall thruster, the finite element simulation software was used to simulate the steady state, transient state and space-borne simulated thermal analysis of the LHT-100 Hall thruster. The heat balance test Result comparison. The analysis and test results show that the high temperature components of the Hall thruster are mainly the discharge cavity, the anode and the magnetically conductive base when in working condition, while the temperature of the air circuit components in the weak component affected by the high temperature reach about 401-421 ℃ and 141 ~ 381 ℃. Thermal design optimization recommendations, in the discharge cavity and the inner coil between the independent heat shield structure can effectively reduce the inner coil temperature of about 80 ~ 90 ℃, the existence of the anode air circuit components thermal stress will affect the Hall thruster reliable An important factor in sex that needs to be fully considered in thermal design.
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