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在高中物理必修教材中,日食、月食的知识仅在一道课本练习题中涉及到,作为光的直线传播、影的生成的实例加以考查的。但日食、月食是一种常见的物理现象,学生的求知欲很强。由于教材未作详细介绍,学生存在一些模糊,甚至错误的认识。窃以为,教学中不能就题讲题,有必要对日食、月食的知识作适当介绍,并着力纠正学生的错误认识。1 日食、月食的发生条件食产生的根本原因是影,日、月、地运动到一条直线上时,发生影的覆盖,就产生了食。此时,若月球位于日、地中间,月球阴影落到地球上,发生日 In the high school physics compulsory textbooks, the knowledge of solar eclipse and eclipse is only mentioned in a textbook exercise, and it is examined as an example of the linear propagation of light and the generation of shadows. However, solar eclipses and eclipses are a common physical phenomenon. Students have a strong desire for knowledge. As the teaching materials were not introduced in detail, the students had some ambiguities and even misunderstandings. It is believed that in the teaching, problems cannot be solved in the teaching. It is necessary to properly introduce the knowledge of the solar eclipse and the eclipse, and to correct the misunderstandings of the students. 1 The basic reason for the occurrence of eclipses and lunar eclipses is the shadow. When the sun, moon, and earth move on a straight line, the shadows are covered and food is produced. At this time, if the moon is in the middle of the earth and the earth, the moon’s shadow falls on Earth, and the day of
教材的这一章共两节,包括大纲规定的三个知识点——机械能;动能、势能的相互转化;水能、风能的利用。可安排两课时进行教学第一课时讲授第一节机械能1 大纲规定的教学内容1.
目的 :探讨 nm2 3基因产物与膀胱移行细胞癌生物学行为之间的关系。方法 :应用免疫组织化学方法检测 45例膀胱移行细胞癌组织 nm2 3基因表达。结果 :蛋白弥散于胞浆及胞膜 ,n
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孟郊山水诗凄寒、奇险、苦涩,三者相辅相成,是诗人心灵的写照,是社会现实的形象反映。 Mengjiao poetry landscape poignant cold, Qi Dan, bitter, the three complement e
课题:自然资源及其利用课时:共计十四学时教学分析: 此章共分六节,在总结前面各章的基础上,以点至面,由简就繁,综合地、概括性地阐述了有关人与自然的关系,重点讲述了我国土