
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yupucn
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To present a case of maternal morbidity encountered in a cervical heterotopic pregnancy after successful potassium chloride (KCl) injection for transvaginal multifetal pregnancy reduction. Case report. Tertiary referral care center. A woman with heterotopic twin gestation after IVF. Diagnosis of a viable cervical heterotopic pregnancy was made at 6 weeks by ultrasound. A transvaginal reduction by KCl injection of the cervical pregnancy was performed under sonographic guidance. Maternal morbidity and mortality. Although contents of the gestational sac within the cervix resolved, the trophoblastic tissue increased in both size and vascularity. The patient continued to have selflimited vaginal bleeding throughout the pregnancy. However, at 31 weeks, she had an acute hemorrhage, resulting in an emergency cesarean hysterectomy secondary to profuse bleeding from retained cervical trophoblastic tissue. Although KCl transvaginal multifetal pregnancy reduction might successfully terminate a cervical heterotopic pregnancy, the ongoing pregnancy might be complicated by persistence and even enlargement of remaining trophoblastic tissue, leading to obstetric hemorrhage. To present a case of maternal morbidity encountered in a cervical heterotopic pregnancy after successful potassium chloride (KCl) injection for transvaginal multifetal pregnancy reduction. Case report. Tertiary referral care center. A woman with heterotopic twin gestation after IVF. Diagnosis of a viable cervical heterotopic A transvaginal reduction by KCl injection of the cervical pregnancy was performed under sonographic guidance. Maternal morbidity and mortality. Although contents of the gestational sac within the cervix resolved, the trophoblastic tissue increased in both size and vascularity The patient continued to have self-limited vaginal bleeding throughout the pregnancy. However, at 31 weeks, she had an acute hemorrhage, resulting in an emergency cesarean hysterectomy secondary to profuse bleeding from retained cervical trophoblastic tissue. KCI transvaginal multifetal pregnancy reduction might successfully terminate a cervical heterotopic pregnancy, the ongoing pregnancy might be complicated by persistence and even enlargement of remaining trophoblastic tissue, leading to obstetric hemorrhage.
[目的]制定毒死蜱在杏鲍菇上的残留安全标准。[方法]在培养料中分别施以毒死蜱农药质量分数为50、100 mg/kg进行杏鲍菇栽培,应用气相色谱分析法,测定了毒死蜱在杏鲍菇培养料
To evaluate oxidative stress indices in follicular fluid (FF)by a novel thermochemiluminescence (TCL) assay and investigate the correlation between TCL and IVF
To introduce a new surgical approach, oophoropexy to prevent recurrent adnexal torsion. Case report and review of the literature. The obstetrics and gynecology