
来源 :国外医学.神经病学神经外科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:archxws
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颈椎外伤除作标准投照外还须断层摄影等检查,电子计算机断层(以下称CT)能对骨椎管轴位平面进行观察.本文报导四例颈椎外伤用CT估价骨损伤情况尤其在确定骨移位的范围有一定价值.例1、男24岁,潜入浅水时颈部受伤,下颈椎疼痛并有完全性四肢瘫痪,颈椎侧位照片示颈椎体骨折同时颈向后脱位,CT扫描证实椎体骨折和颈_5左椎板骨折并显示椎管前后径明显狭窄.例2、男、35岁,因汽车事故颈部严重疼痛,虽神经系统检查正常,X线照片示颈后弓骨折,两侧关节突向外移位,作牵引治疗后病人诉颈部持续性疼痛,14周后作CT扫描后见颈右侧块骨折已连接,骨折片嵌入侧块和齿状突之间.并有后弓和右侧块相接处不连性骨折. Cervical vertebral trauma in addition to the standard projection must be tomographic examination, computed tomography (hereinafter referred to as CT) can be observed on the plane of the axial plane of the spinal canal.This article reports four cases of cervical spine injury with CT evaluation of bone damage, especially in the determination of bone Example 1, male, 24 years old, sneaked into shallow water with neck injury, lower cervical pain and complete quadriplegia. Cervical lateral radiographs showed cervical vertebral fractures with cervical dislocation at the same time. The CT scan confirmed that vertebra Body fracture and neck _5 left vertebral plate fracture and showed significant anteroposterior diameter of spinal canal.Sample 2, male, 35 years old, due to severe car accident neck pain, although the nervous system examination was normal, X-ray showed neck fracture, The articular processes of the two sides shifted outwards. After traction treatment, the patient complained of persistent pain in the neck. After 14 weeks of CT scan, the right side of the neck fracture was connected and the fracture piece was inserted between the side block and the dentate. After the bow and the right block at the junction of nonunion fracture.
对于术后并发大块肺栓塞患者可采用溶栓疗法。例1 男,82岁,行右股部多形大肉瘤切除术。术后13天患者突发虚脱,血压降至10.6/6.67kPa,心率150次/min。胸骨后的颈静脉压高达0.
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