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面对社会转型时期复杂多变的国际和国内环境,随着越来越多的“90后”成为当代大学生的主体,高职院校的大学生思想政治教育工作所处的时代背景和面对的教育对象都发生了重大而深刻的变化,在这样的背景下开展大学生思想政治教育,就必须充分考虑到他们的思想特点和行为特征,而传统的高职院校大学生思想政治教育在教育方法上都存在着较多的弊端,跟高等职业教育的发展有脱节的趋势,从而使高职院校大学生思想政治教育工作缺乏针对性和实效性。因而新时期,高职院校大学生思想政治教育方法必须根据形势的新变化不断进行创新,自觉地贯彻“以人为本”的思想,树立现代的思想政治教育观,实现对传统思想政治教育方法的超越,以创新求发展,构建起以“以学生为本”的大学生思想政治教育方法体系,促进高职院校大学生思想政治教育不断向前发展。 In the face of the complex and changeable international and domestic environment in the period of social transformation, with more and more “90s” becoming the main body of contemporary college students, the background and aspect of ideological and political education for college students in higher vocational colleges The educational objects of the students have undergone significant and profound changes. Under this background, to carry out the ideological and political education of college students, we must fully consider their ideological characteristics and behavioral characteristics, while the traditional ideological and political education of college students in education There are many drawbacks in the methods, which are out of line with the development of higher vocational education, so that the ideological and political education of college students in higher vocational colleges lacks pertinence and effectiveness. Therefore, in the new period, the methods of ideological and political education for college students in higher vocational colleges must constantly innovate according to the new changes in situation and conscientiously implement the “people-oriented” thinking, establish the modern ideological and political education concept and realize the ideological and political education of traditional methods Surpassing, Innovation and Development, Constructing a “Student-oriented” Methodology of Ideological and Political Education for Undergraduates to Promote the Development of Ideological and Political Education for Undergraduates in Higher Vocational Colleges.
第十届上海国际纺织工业展览会(SHANG-HAITEX2003)和第五届上海国际产业用纺织品和非织造布展览会(SITNE 2003)于2003年12月10日~13日在上海新国际博览中心同时举行,展会面积
目的探讨Neuroform支架植入结合Matrix II弹簧圈栓塞治疗颅内宽颈动脉瘤的疗效、技术要点、安全性及并发症防治。方法对诊断颅内宽颈动脉瘤6例的病人,其中大脑前动脉瘤1例,后
语块教学法(Lexical Approach),近年来越来越得到语言学界的重视,对语言教学产生了深远的影响。本文通过介绍语块教学法产生的背景及预制语块在二语习得中的重要作用来阐释预
患者女,2岁.因多饮、多食、身材超常1年,月经来潮7 d于2005年7月15日入院.无消瘦、多尿、癫(癇)病史.体格检查:神清,语利,智力超同龄儿,双瞳孔正大等圆,对光反射灵敏,双眼视力眼底不能查,余颅神经及神经系统检查阴性.精神欣快,过度活泼.妇科检查显示近似外阴成人型,乳房发育,B超显示:子宫2.7 cm×2.6 cm×2.0 cm.身高108 cm、体重21 kg;雌二醇509.8 pmol