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当前教育革命正沿着毛主席指引的方向在斗争中前进,努力把学校改造成无产阶级专政的工具,培养有社会主义觉悟有文化的劳动者,取得了可喜的成绩.“到处莺歌燕舞”. 这里选登了几篇工农兵学员的文章,都是把教育革命同阶级斗争、生产斗争和科学实验三大革命运动结合起来,实行开门办学,有明确地为社会主义建设、为广大工农兵服务的方向.与工农兵结合,自觉地运用辩证唯物主义,理论与实践相结合,为社会主义革命和社会主义建设作出了贡献. 《当好农业机械的“赤脚医生”》一文,是把力学从书本和课堂中解放出来,为农业机械化服务.学员深入农村,运用辩证唯物主义,像“赤脚医生”一样,为农业机械“治病”.他们分析和解决了几种农业机械和典型部件的断裂和振动的问题.《双频激光干涉仪研制成功》一文,是为我国社会主义建设和需要而研制的先进的精密计量仪器,学员立志打破西方资本主义国家的封锁,以自力更生精神赶超国际先进水平,填充了我国科学研究的空白. 这里选登的几篇工农兵学员的文章,以优异的成绩,“旧貌变新颜”的事实,雄辩地驳斥了教育界和科技界右倾翻案者的奇谈怪论,是对右倾翻案风的有力回击. At present, the education revolution is moving forward in the struggle along the direction of Chairman Mao’s guidance, working hard to transform the school into a tool for the dictatorship of the proletariat, and cultivating laborers who have a socialist consciousness and culture. This has yielded gratifying results. Yingge dance everywhere. Selected articles of the workers, peasants and soldiers here have all combined the educational revolution with the three revolutionary movements of class struggle, production struggle and scientific experiment. They open the door to running schools, have a clear foundation for the construction of socialism and serve the broad masses of workers, peasants and soldiers direction. In combination with the workers, peasants and soldiers, we consciously use dialectical materialism and the combination of theory and practice have contributed to the socialist revolution and socialist construction. “When a good barefoot doctor in agricultural machinery reads,” Mechanics is liberated from books and classrooms to serve agricultural mechanization. Students go deep into the countryside and use dialectical materialism to “cure” agricultural machinery like “barefoot doctors.” They analyzed and solved the problems of breakage and vibration of several agricultural machines and typical components. The article entitled “The successful development of dual-frequency laser interferometer” is an advanced precision measuring instrument developed for the socialist construction and needs in our country. The students determined to break the blockade of western capitalist countries and catch up with the international advanced level by the spirit of self-reliance to fill our country Blank scientific research. Several articles of the workers, peasants and soldiers selected here, with their outstanding achievements and the fact that “the old appearance has become a new face,” have eloquently disproved the curious talk of the rightists in the education and scientific and technological circles, Fight back.
一专箭容易折断,而二十支箭合在一起就不容易折断了。这是著名的历史故事,读一读,我们就会明白其中的道理。 A special arrow easy to break, and twenty arrows together i
在近3年的高考中,都出现以函数为背景的结论开放探索性的解答题,这说明在今后仍将是高考的热点.解决探索性问题的操作方法:先假设研究的对 In the recent three years of co
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