
来源 :中国商法年刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzhyskoa
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自1986年《民法通则》颁布以来,有关合伙的法律人格问题就一直是民商法学界争论的一个热点问题,1997年颁布的《合伙企业法》则使争论进一步深化。在修订《合伙企业法》的过程中,合伙企业的法律人格的定位再次引起人们关注,许多学者都提出了自己的观点和制度设计方案。虽然大家对合伙企业是民商事主体这一观点已经达成共识,但对其具体的法律人格定位仍然存在两种观点:一是将合伙企业的法律人格定位于自然人和法人之外的“第三民商事主体”;二是将合伙 Since the promulgation of the “General Principles of Civil Law” in 1986, the issue of legal personality in partnership has been a hot issue in the debate between civil and commercial law circles. The “Partnership Enterprise Law” promulgated in 1997 has further deepened the debate. In the process of revising the “Partnership Enterprise Law”, the positioning of the legal personality of the partnership once again arouses people’s attention. Many scholars have put forward their own ideas and system design proposals. Although everyone has reached a consensus on the view that the partnership is the subject of civil and commercial businesses, there are still two perspectives on the specific legal personality positioning: First, the legal personality of a partnership enterprise is located outside the natural and legal persons. Civil and commercial subjects "; Second, the partnership
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