Emergency treatment of soft tissue injuries in student sports

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songweiwc
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  【Abstract】Abstract: Some sports injuries often occur in students participating in sports because of lack of attention. Among them, soft tissue injury is a common one. This article analyzes the symptoms of soft tissue injuries that appear in track and field sports, and proposes corresponding treatment measures. method.
  【Keywords】Student Movement; Soft Tissue; Injury; Treatment
  Soft tissue injury is the most common form of trauma in athletics. It involves damage to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even nerves and blood vessels. Common soft tissue injuries include bruises, punctures, bruises, and strains and strains.
  1. the cause of soft tissue injury
  In track and field sports, there are many causes of soft tissue injury. To sum up, there are mainly the following aspects. The first is that the preparations are insufficient. Intensified track and field sports and high load on muscle ligaments, if athletes pay too little attention to preparation activities, especially the whole body’s intramuscular stretching activities, and joints, ligaments, and muscles are not fully active, they are eager to participate in competitions and training. It is easy to cause muscle and ligament strain injuries. Second, the training course is not reasonable. Continuously arrange many large-volume exercises without proper adjustments. Arrangements for training and arranging training are not in the right order. Exercises with great intensity are placed in the latter part of the training session. The body is consumed more, in a state of fatigue, and energy is not concentrated , it is easy to hurt; third is poor flexibility training.
  Flexibility is an important quality exercise. In the basic training, if you ignore the practice of stretching muscles, and do not pay attention to the arrangement of relaxation exercises, in the long term, it will make the muscles stiff, the elasticity will drop, and it will easily lead to tearing; Fourth, the local exercise load is too heavy. When arranging the amount of exercise, the physical characteristics of the athlete are not fully taken into account. The amount of exercise exceeds the physiological burden that the athlete may bear. In particular, the local burden is too large and is the main cause of injuries in training. Fifth, the development of muscle power is unbalanced. These methods have a deeper stimulation of the thigh muscle strength and active contraction muscles.There is little or no emphasis on the strength of the waist and abdomen and the power of the passive contraction muscles, which creates an imbalance in muscle strength and can also cause injuries. In addition, many injuries were caused by carelessness of athletes. We often see some athletes being placed on the track side of the equipment or other items to stumble or twist the ankle, or be swollen and bruised.   2. emergency treatment of soft tissue injury
  Successfully returning an injured athlete to the game often depends on the first person to diagnose the injury and take the right first aid. When the athlete is injured, the coach must make a diagnosis and decide whether to let the injured athlete continue to participate in the competition or training.
  (1) first aid treatment of lighter soft tissue injuries
  There are two main types of processing methods.One is cold treatment: place ice cubes or ice packs directly or indirectly on the skin of the injured area. Note: Ice cubes can cause frostbite if they come in contact with the skin for too long. The use of repetitive 5 to 10 minute cold treatment is better than a longer one time cold treatment.The second is pressure dressing: Wrap wound bandages or press the injured area directly with hands. But pay attention to the pressure bandage can not be wrapped too tight, which will hinder the blood circulation of the injured area.
  (2)First aid treatment for more serious soft tissue injuries
  Moderate and severe injuries, athletes will have obvious pain. In case of a strain, athletes usually feel “pulled” when they are injured. In moderate injuries, athletes can still complete their actions. However, when a serious injury occurs, the athlete will be stopped to exercise because of severe pain and weakness. The lacerations are generally caused by fierce contraction against strong resistance. This type of injury is more often seen in adolescents. For severe soft tissue injury, cold treatment should be taken immediately after injury, and the limb should be pressurized and raised up to 48 hours after injury. Further treatment should be performed according to the injury. Such as: external application of new wounds, the pain is heavier orally taking beaten pills, Qiju San and so on. After 48 hours, bleeding stopped and acute inflammation gradually subsided, but the affected area still suffered from blood stasis and swelling. Treatment should mainly improve the blood and lymphatic circulation of the wound, promote tissue metabolism, promote the absorption of congestion and exudation, and accelerate regeneration.
【摘要】21世纪以来,越来越多的国外游客来到中国参观游览,旅游景点介绍的英译显得尤为重要。本文旨在语域理论指导下,通过对文本功能的分析,实现文本概念功能,人际功能,语篇功能对等,吸引更多游客来华参观。  【关键词】旅游翻译 功能对等 系统功能语言学  一、引言  旅游翻译是一个老生常谈的话题,正是因为很多学者都探讨过此类问题,才能彰显其重要性。在市场经济时代,成功的旅游翻译效带来巨大的经济效益,吸
【摘要】传统的对话教学模式没有突出语言的整体性,留在学生记忆中的只是些零散的单词和句子。认知学习理论认为,学习者孤立地学习语言时,获得的只能是一些零散的构件,且这些构件基本上处于零散无序的状态,这种状态既容易遗忘,又不利于在语言输出时及时调用。本文笔者结合三节对话教学课例,谈一谈自己对于Let’s talk板块教学的理解和策略。  【关键词】Let’s talk;语用;语篇  【作者简介】任媛,浙
【摘要】培养学生的英语“核心素养”,是新课改对高中英语教学提出的教学要求,英语“核心素养”包含英语的听说读写译五个方面。高中英语中的写作教学,是培养英语“核心素养”的一个方面,也是强化英语“核心素养”养成的一个实施途径,本文就从培养英语“核心素养”的角度,谈谈如何在高中英语教学中开展写作教学。  【关键词】核心素养;高中英语;写作;教学  【作者简介】张妍,江苏省沭阳如东中学。  英语“核心素养”
【摘要】英语词汇的学习是英语学习的基础,只有掌握了更多的英语词汇,才能够提高文章阅读、日常交流、写作以及听力能力等。高中英语词汇的数量非常多,掌握英语词汇的学习技巧,可以降低英语学习中的困难。本文将基于英语词汇学习中可能会遇到的问题,探讨学好高中英语词汇的技巧,希望能够为同学们的英语学习提供帮助。  【关键词】高中英语;词汇学习;学习技巧;方法  【作者简介】袁思宇,保定市第一中学。  步入高中阶
【Abstract】There are many factors that affect English acquisition in the second language acquisition, such as: age, environment, mother tongue interference, culture, cognition, teaching methods/models,
【摘要】本文以一堂中学英语课为例,从操练活动的目标针对性、多样性、实效性及评价方式四个方面,阐述了如何提高课堂操练活动的有效性,从而提高学生的英语语言的综合运用能力。  【关键词】课堂操练活动 目标针对性 多样性 实效性 评价方式  在中学英语课堂教学中,操练活动是培养学生英语语言运用能力的重要途径之一。开展有效的课堂操练活动是英语课堂教学中很重要的一环,那么有效的操练活动应该包括哪些方面呢?  
【摘要】人们与社会的发展进步通过语言学进行了很好的展现。作为世界通用语言的英语,在人际交流与信息传输过程中其发挥了十分关键的作用,因此,对其的研究不可轻视。通过对英语语言学的研究,我们可以对其发展有效明确,进一步对未来的发展情况有效预测。本文针对英语语言学这一内容,对其起源有效分析,进一步探讨了发展方向,并对现代英语语言学的应用做了简单研究。  【关键词】英语语言学;发展;应用  【作者简介】曹子
【摘要】本文叙述了现阶段初中英语教学中写作能力现状,分析了思维导图对于提升学生英语写作水平的重要意义,探究了巧用思维导图实现学生英语写作水平不断提升的具体策略方法。在英语教学中利用思维导图的优势有效的提升学生的英语写作水平。  【关键词】巧用;思维导图;英语写作水平  【作者简介】丁小翠(1984.03-),女,汉族,江苏金坛人,中学一级教师,江苏省常州市金坛区指前实验学校,本科研究方向:英语教学
【摘要】德育教育就是在思想道德方面的教育,它不单纯的是一门学科,更是潜伏在每个学科中,除了语文以及品德与社会的渗透以外,英语学科的渗透也是尤为重要的。尤其在小学阶段学生的思维以及认知还在塑造过程中,德育的渗透可以很好地培养学生人格素养和道德品质。因此教师在英语课堂中要选择合理有效的方式进行德育渗透。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂;德育渗透  【作者简介】王一灵,苏州工业园区外国语学校。  英语作为一
【摘要】针对当前的高中英语写作教学,很多学生认为英语作文很难写,再加上教师和学生普遍不够重视作文的篇章衔接连贯理论,导致学生的写作能力无法得到提高。本文研究了语篇衔接连贯理论在高三英语写作中的运用,用以提高学生的英语写作水平。  【关键词】语篇衔接连贯理论;高三;英语写作;应用策略  【作者簡介】张瑾,江苏省苏州市吴中区苏苑高级中学。  写作是学生自我表达的一种方式,学生吸收了学到的语言知识,并且