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大有前途的绿色能源1993年3月,一条直径35.5厘米、长约375公里的海底输气管线已从东海平湖气田登陆上海,将天然气源源不断地输送到浦东新区。现有煤气用户将逐步改用天然气。到1999年底,已有16.7万户家庭告别了管道煤气,用上优质、高效、洁净的天然气。按照规划,至2001年浦东35万管道煤气用户将全部改用天然气。随着我国西部大规模的开发开放,新疆塔里木至上海的天然气输送管道在不远的将来即将建成,到那时,在上海使用的能源中,天然气将占有相当大的比重,逐渐普 Promising Green Energy In March 1993, a submarine gas pipeline measuring 35.5 centimeters in diameter and 375 kilometers in length landed on the Pinghu gas field in the East China Sea, sending a steady flow of natural gas to Pudong New Area. Existing gas users will gradually switch to natural gas. By the end of 1999, 167,000 families had bid farewell to pipeline gas and used high quality, efficient and clean natural gas. According to the plan, by the year of 2001, Pudong 350,000 pipeline gas users will all switch to natural gas. With the large-scale development and opening up to the west of our country, the natural gas pipeline from Tarim to Shanghai in Xinjiang is about to be built in the near future. By then, natural gas will occupy a large proportion of the energy used in Shanghai,
007詹姆斯·邦德再现江湖!继《黄金眼》和《明日帝国》之后,皮尔斯·布鲁斯南第三次担纲主演的第十九部007影片《黑日危机》(TheWorld Is Not Enough)已于1999年11月19日在
Objective:To isolate,evaluate and characterize potential antibiotic producing actinomycetes from water and sediments of Lake Tana,Ethiopia.Methods:A total of 31
目的 :探讨玻璃体切除术后的白内障手术技巧及术式的选择。方法 :玻璃体腔灌注维持眼内压 ,行白内障囊外摘除或超声乳化或 (和 )人工晶体植入术。结果 :本文对 18例玻璃体切
按照中央关于今明两年 ,在全国县 (市 )部门、乡镇、村领导班子和基层干部中 ,重点搞好“三个代表”重要思想学习教育活动的决定 ,邓州市“三个代表”学习教育活动全面部署和
最长持续发声和舒适发声时的呼气流率不同,岩田重信(1980年)测最长持续发声时平均气流率,男性为120ml/s,女性为l02ml/s;舒适发声男性为144ml/s,女性为120 ml/s.舒适发声的气流率稍高于最长持续发声时的气流率。 关于儿
English words are rather difficuit for students to spell correctly.Wecannot say that English spelling is an impossible task for the learners,but we will readil