Some Useful Rules of English Spelling

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English words are rather difficuit for students to spell correctly.Wecannot say that English spelling is an impossible task for the learners,but we will readily agree that it gives them so much trouble that they makefrequent spelling mistakes.However,there are some spelling rules,whichwill certainly help students to learn to spell English words quite easily.The following are some rules,useful for analysing the relationship bet-ween sound and letter. English words are rather difficuit for students to spell correctly.Wecannot say that English spelling is an impossible task for the learners, but we will be able to agree that it gives them so much trouble that they makefrequent spelling mistakes.However, there are some spelling rules, whichwill definitely help students to learn to spell English words quite easily. following following some rules, useful for analysing the relationship bet-ween sound and letter.
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