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为验证并检验长寿命路面的设计与施工技术,2012年分别在内蒙古自治区和广东省修建了两条半刚性基层长寿命试验路。施工期间进行了大量的试验检测,并在随后几年间对试验路的路用性能进行了跟踪观测。调查发现,尽管两条试验路采用了几乎相同的路面结构、承受着类似的交通荷载,但路用性能却表现出巨大的差异:内蒙古试验路的路面横向裂缝率达到47.9m/1 000m2,而广东试验路仅为0.75m/1 000m2。通过详细的数据分析认为:(1)相较于传统的半刚性路面,半刚性基层长寿命沥青路面需要更加重视提高路面承载能力、优化混合料路用性能、使用粗集料断级配的级配型式、降低施工变异性、增强层间黏结、延缓或减少路面反射裂缝;(2)内蒙古试验路的路面横向裂缝很可能由路基的冻裂引起,自下而上发展至路表,是重冰冻地区的一种典型裂缝型式。 In order to verify and test the design and construction technology of long-life pavement, two semi-rigid base long-life test roads were constructed in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Guangdong Province in 2012 respectively. A large number of tests were carried out during the construction period, and the road performance of the test road was tracked in the following years. The survey found that although the two test roads used almost the same pavement structure and were subjected to similar traffic loads, the road performance showed a huge difference: the lateral cracks in the pilot roads in Inner Mongolia reached 47.9m / 1000m2, Guangdong test road is only 0.75m / 1000m2. Through detailed data analysis, it is considered that: (1) As compared with the traditional semi-rigid pavement, the semi-rigid base long-life asphalt pavement should pay more attention to improve the bearing capacity of the pavement, optimize the road performance of the mixture, With the type, reduce construction variability, enhance the bonding between the layers, delay or reduce the road reflection cracks; (2) Inner road cracks in the road test is likely to be caused by roadbed cracking, bottom-up development to the road surface is heavy A typical crack pattern in the frozen area.