Soil Nutrient Variance by Slope Position in a Mollisol Farmland Area of Northeast China

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:titanium2002
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In order to generate scientifically-based comparative information to improve fertilization efficiency and reduce nutrient loss, 610 samples of 122 soil profiles were collected at the 0–60 cm depth to compare soil nutrient contents including soil organic matter(SOM), total nitrogen(TN), total phosphorus(TP), available phosphorus(AP), and available potassium(AK) among different slope positions in a Mollisol farmland area of Northeast China. The contents of SOM and TN typically decreased with increased soil depth at back and bottom slope. Soil loss and deposition tended to decrease SOM and TN at the 0–20 cm soil depth on both the back slope and the slope bottom. The TP firstly decreased from 0–20 cm to 30–40 cm, and then not constantly increased at the back slope and the bottom slope. Due to the characteristics of soil nutrients and crop absorption, the contents of both AP and AK were typically the highest at the summit, followed by the slope bottom and the back slope in the 0–20 cm layer. Generally, in order to sustain the high soil productivity and protect the environment, attention should be paid to soil conservation on back slope; in addition, additional N and P fertilizer is necessary on the back slope. In order to generate scientifically-based comparative information to improve fertilization efficiency and reduce nutrient loss, 610 samples of 122 soil profiles were collected at the 0-60 cm depth to compare soil nutrient content including soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen ) total phosphorus (TP), available phosphorus (AP), and available potassium (AK) among different slope positions in a Mollisol farmland area of ​​Northeast China. The contents of SOM and TN typically decreased with increased soil depth at back and bottom slope . Soil loss and deposition tended to decrease SOM and TN at the 0-20 cm soil depth on both the back slope and the slope bottom. The TP first decreased from 0-20 cm to 30-40 cm, and then not constantly increased at due to the characteristics of soil nutrients and crop absorption, the contents of both AP and AK were typically the highest at the summit, followed by the slope bottom and the back slope in the 0-2 0 cm layer. Generally, in order to sustain the high soil productivity and protect the environment, attention should be paid to soil conservation on back slope; in addition, additional N and P fertilizer is necessary on the back slope.
严嵩死后,留下一本《嘉靖奏对录》,内收严嵩与嘉靖皇帝的奏折和批示。其中一篇写道:“服蒙圣问服药一件……臣昨岁八月服丹只五十粒,乃致遍身燥痒异常,不可以忍……臣唯一意尽忠报主,以祈天之佑而已,伏乞圣明俯察。”  这个奏折的意思是“我吃了一服皇帝赠送的药,有以下症状……”原来,嘉靖皇帝崇尚邪门歪道,养了很多术士,专门给他炼制稀奇古怪的丹药,希望服用后能金枪不倒或者长生不老。丹药出炉,不敢确定药效如何,
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