BRICS,Retrospect and Prospect

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  The Eleventh BRICS Summit will be held in Brasilia, Brazil on November 13 and 14 with the theme of “Economic Growth for an Innovative Future.” The combination of technological development and fast pace of economic growth has brought BRICS countries to the center of gravity of the global economy. As BRICS enters its second decade of dialogue and cooperation, the block needs to look back over their achievements in the past as well as address many new issues from economic development based on multilateralism to legal construction and cybersecurity, so as to promote common achievements and better prospects.
DURING the 2019 Two Sessions of China’s top legislative and political advisory bodies, Chinese President Xi Jinping, joining deliberation with Fujian deputies,
1 引言苯胺有致癌作用,是环境污染控制的重要指标之一.目前标准方法采用重氮化偶合反应分光光度法测定,电有用气相色谱法测定或者用极谱法测定.本文研究了在KBr存在下,稀盐酸
摘 要:文章首先分析了财务内部控制体系建设阶段应遵从的基本原则,并对体系建立的目标及内容做出总结。其次重点论述财务内部控制的有效方法,提出结合医院实际情况不断完善控制体系,在保障服务质量的前提下尽可能的增大经济收益。  关键词:医院财务;内部控制;控制体系  一、财务内部控制体系建设的基本原则  医院财务管理体系的建立要以国家法律法规为原则,实行统一的监管体系。同时还要与医院实际情况相结合,应用新