
来源 :数学通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kanshu
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通过算术教学来培养学員的辯証唯物主义观点的重要,在过去是认識到的,但由于教者对于辯証唯物主义學习得不够,进行起来有困难,因而做得比較少。从今年上半年市教育局召开了中学数学教学經驗交流大会以后,进一步认識到政治思想教育的重要性,在培养学員辯証唯物主义的世界观方面,通过一系列的学习,认識到数学是論述現实世界数量及空間形式与关系的科学(凱洛夫教育学),并在此基础上来教育学員,使他們理解数学是由于人类生产实践的需要而产生和发展的,并初步重视在实际教学中来培养学員辯証唯物主义观点。我們在算术教学中培养学員辯証唯物主义观点,特别抓住以下几点: 1.通过教学,使学員领会到科学的基础是物質,事物的規律存在于事物的本身。算术是由实际需要而产生的。我們就以自然数的发生来說,如果世界上沒有一个一个可以数的东西,那末就决不能产生自然数的概念,它絕对不是象宗教迷信家所說的是上帝創造出来的! The importance of cultivating students’ dialectical materialist views through mathematics teaching has been recognized in the past. However, due to the fact that the learners did not learn enough about dialectical materialism and had difficulties in doing so, they did less. From the first half of this year, the Municipal Education Bureau held a meeting on the exchange of experience in teaching mathematics in middle schools, and further recognized the importance of political and ideological education. In the training of students’ dialectical materialist world outlook, through a series of studies, it was recognized that mathematics was The science (Kelloff Pedagogy) on the number and spatial form and relationship of the real world is discussed, and on this basis, students are educated to understand that mathematics is generated and developed because of the needs of human production practice, and has initially attached importance to Practical training to train participants in dialectical materialism. In the teaching of mathematics, we have cultivated participants’ dialectical materialist views, and in particular seized the following points: 1. Through teaching, students are made to understand that the foundation of science is matter, and that the laws of things exist in the things themselves. Arithmetic is produced by actual needs. In terms of the occurrence of natural numbers, if the world does not have a number of things to count, then the concept of natural numbers must never be born. It is definitely not what the religious superstition says is created by God!