
来源 :金属学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jurenyaoyao
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测定了用转鼓法制备的Pd_(82·5)M_1Si_(18·5)非晶态合金的应力松弛和延脆转变特性.发现前过渡金属Hf,Ta,W,Re显著提高该非晶态合金的延脆转变温度T_B和延脆转变激活能△E_B,后过渡金属中的Os,Pt对其影响较小,而Ir则使T_B下降较多.添加前、后两类不同的过渡金属PdSi_(16■)非晶态合金的延脆转变方式也有所不同.比较了添加元素对延脆转变温度T_B、玻璃转变温度T_g、延脆转变激活能△E_B以及玻璃转变激活能△E_g的影响.用Gaskell模型和Engel-Brewer过渡金属电子理论解释了前、后过渡金属对PdSi_(16·5),非晶态合金延脆转变的不同影响. The stress relaxation and ductile transformation properties of Pd_ (82.5) M_1Si_ (18.5) amorphous alloy prepared by drum method were measured.The former transition metals Hf, Ta, W, Re were significantly increased The ductile brittle transition temperature T_B and the ductile transition activation energy △ E_B of the alloy, while the influence of Os and Pt in the post-transition metal is small, while Ir decreases the T_B more.With the addition of two kinds of transition metal PdSi_ (16 ■) The ductile brittle transition of amorphous alloy is also different, and the effect of additive elements on the ductile transition temperature T_B, the glass transition temperature T_g, the delayed activation energy △ E_B and the glass transition activation energy △ E_g were compared. Gaskell model and Engel-Brewer transition metal electron theory are used to explain the different effects of the transition metals on the ductile transition of PdSi_ (16.5) and amorphous alloys.
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摘要:目前,学习困难的学生明显增多引起我们广大教师、学校以及社会的热切关注.笔者担任高中数学教学多年,应当说遇到的学习暂困学生还是比较多的,对一些学习困难学生的特征也有一定的了解,做了些具体的事,也感到在全面提高学生方面比较得心应手,本文旨在交流其经验。  关键词:学困学生;转化提高;策略思考
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本文就高等学校体育教学改革,提出高校体育大纲指导思想,指出1979年部颁“大纲”存在的一些问题,并就教材内容、教学方法和师资队伍进行了探讨。 This paper puts forward t
摘要:在职专物理“交流电”教学过程中,教师要运用合作小组提高学生合作能力,让学生更好地掌握教学重点。突破教学难点:首先教师要组建合作小组,深化学生参与程度。其次要加强监管,提升小组合作学习效率。最后教师要合理评价,激发学生合作学习的兴趣。  关键词:职专物理;交流电;合作小组