,Effect of Clopidogrel on Platelet Membrane CD40 Ligand in Coronary Artery Disease Patients Undertak

来源 :岭南心血管病杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:karavika
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To investigate the change and clinical significance of clopidogrel on platelet membrane CD40L in coronary artery disease patients before and after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods 30 cases who were diagnosis coronary artery diseases(CAD) by coronary angiography, mean age 56 ± 9 years old. All the patients who had no antiplatelet aggregation contraindication, were treated with standard anti angina pectoris drugs. Before PCI, all the patients took clopidogrel 75 mg per day. Activated platelet membrane CD40L express rate was measured by flow cytometry before and after PCI 6 hours. Results Activated platelet membrane CD40L express rate were 3.73 ± 2.15and 2.46 ± 0.90, respectively in 30 patients before and after PCI 6 hours. Activated platelet membrane CD40L express rate was significantly decrease after PCI 6 hours than that before PCI ( P < 0.01 ). Conclusions Clopidogrel has significance effect on platelet membrane CD40L in coronary artery disease patients undergoing PCI. Clopidogrel can suppression platelet activation and prevent thromboembolism event occurrence.
[摘 要] 科学方法教育是高校深化教学改革的重要内容,也是培养应用型、创新型人才的有效途径。文章以细胞生物学实验课程为载体,以科学方法教育为导向,从教学内容安排、教学体系构建、教学方法选择、教学效果评价等方面进行改革探索,并就存在问题与对策进行了深入阐述。  [关键词] 科学方法教育;细胞生物学;实验改革  [中图分类号] G642 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 1008-2549(2016)
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