Heading for the US: Applying a Visa

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<正>Dear friends: Before I start to tell you all of my interesting stories in the United States,I should introduce myself briefly.Since our experiences are based on our own individual background and individual characters,your individual experience wi
1 病例介绍例1: 女, 68岁. 1961年始出现反复发作腹胀伴剧烈绞痛, 并大便带血及乏力、贫血、消瘦. 查体可见口唇、口腔黏膜、双手指尖及双足趾尖散在斑点状色素沉着. 外科情
For botanists, it doesn't get more exciting than this -- after 75 years, the Titan Arum plant has unfurled its leaves and is in full bloom.
The French have been credited with inventing the bidet and popularising pissoirs or public urinalse, and now they can add the biodegradable and portable toilet
二尖瓣反流(mitral regurgitation,MR)是心血管疾病中最常见的病理生理现象之一,中至重度MR可以进展为左心室功能不全,而未经治疗、无症状的MR患者5年内心血管疾病病死率为14%。
<正> 中国营养学会(Chinese Nutrition Society)是由中国营养科技工作者组成的全国性专业学术团体;是中国科学技术协会的组成部分,是发展我国营养科学技术事业的重要社会力量
1.bank holiday不是银行节,是公共假期。在英国,国定假日叫bankholiday,也许银行与英国人关系太密切了,是生活中不可或缺的,所以国定假日银行不开门,就称之为bankholiday。
我院10年来共遇到心脏刺伤修补术麻醉患者6例, 现就其麻醉处理特点讨论如下.