Ecological Modernization in the Implementation of EU Environmental Policy

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  【Abstract】Ecological modernization is quite different from the traditional idea that economy and ecology cannot be favorably combined. It associates environmental issues with modernity, delinks environmental problems with economic growth, and gains considerable political attractiveness. In the course of EU policy making, the approach of ecological modernization attracts much attention and sets a positive trend for the Union.
  【Key words】ecological modernization; environmental policy; political attractiveness
  1. Introduction
  Over the past few years, ecological modernization has drawn increasing attention. In many developed countries, it began to emerge as a new dominant way of conceptualizing environmental issues. Although the notion of ecological modernization is not completely new to the public, its lack of a clear defining statement causes much confusion. This essay initially explores the origin and features of ecological modernization. Afterwards, it searches for the underlying reasons of the political attractiveness of ecological modernization. Finally, it associates the EU environmental policy with ecological modernization, with a view to demonstrating that EU is moving towards ecological modernization.
  2. The Origin and Features of Ecological Modernization
  The 1980s witnessed the emergence of ‘ecological modernization’, a new concept coined by Joseph Huber and Martin Janicke (Hajer, 1995:25). Like many other political terms, ecological modernization lacks a clear and unitary meaning. Despite various understandings of the notion, people have something in common:the core idea of ecological modernization lies in that economic growth is not incompatible with environmental protection.
  According to Young (2000:2), ‘the interpretation of ecological modernization is about re-conceptualizing the relationship between the environment and the economy in the industrialized democracies’. It is a real challenge to the traditional idea that environmental protection is a limit to economic growth, and economic growth will adversely affect environment protection.
  As a hot topic in environmental politics and policy, ecological modernization is primarily characteristic of more participatory practices, new strategies of the participants, technological innovation, and the compatibility of environment and economy. It connects environmental issues with science and technology, and delinks environmental degradation from economic growth. And it seems more important that, the practical policy-relevant and solutions-focused character of ecological modernization make it immediately more attractive and possible to be used as an official or state approach to environmental governance (Barry, 2005).   3. The Political Attractiveness of Ecological Modernization
  Ecological modernization is politically attractive. Barry (2005) maintains that the basic reason lies in its providing a comparatively politically painless or ‘win-win’ policy. Hajer (1995:26) holds that the emergence of ecological modernization made environmental protection shift from a conventional ‘zero-sum game’ to a ‘positive-sum game’. What leads to its political attractiveness?One underlying reason is it does not pose any requirement for major structural changes in the economy:it is a ‘supply-side’ policy avoiding issues of distribution or redistribution of consumption. As for Young (2000:19), ecological modernization ‘has improved the relationships between governments and industry’, and the two sides become ‘less confrontational and more cooperative’ to each other. Additionally, it brings government considerable environmental benefits such as less polluted watercourses and the reuse and landscaping of damaged sites. Furthermore, ecological modernization does not bring any threat to contemporary capitalism but attempts to adapt capitalism to the environmental politics, and strengthen it.
  Another crucial reason is that, ecological modernization approach tends to bring pragmatic commercial benefits from natural resources and even wastes. Apart from that, the increasing public concerns about the environmental issues contribute a lot to the emergence of ecological modernization.
  4. An Overview to the Environmental Policy in the EU
  When the EU was established, there was no environmental policy at the European level. Its environmental policy has experienced four different phases. The first phase started in 1957 and ended in 1972. During these years, the major aim of the organization was to set up a ‘common market’ as an economic institution, and there was no room left for the issue-area of environmental protection (Jordan, 2002:16-17).
  Between 1973 and 1986, the second phase emerged:it put forward a series of Environmental Action Programs (EAPs). The first EAP called for reduction of pollution, improvement of environment and quality of life, and suggested that pollution prevention is compatible with economic and social development (Baker, 1997:94). The Second EAP posed a set of principles:prevention being better than cure principle, improving scientific and technological knowledge to react effectively, the polluter-pays principle, increasing coordination of national policies among member states, and so on. The Third EAP introduced the arguments about the potentiality of convergence between economic growth and environment protection, and the need for strict environmental standards in car manufacturing industry in Europe. It was written in the spirit of eco-modernist, and after that, ecological modernization became a central aspect of discussion at environmental conferences (Hajer, 1995:29).   The period from 1987 to 1992 was the third phase. During this period, the Fourth EAP was proposed, listing more environmental priorities and goals than the Third EAP. In addition, since the late 1980s, European Commission has played an increasingly important role on the international environmental stage, and has provided more financial support for environmental management programs.
  Since 1993, the EU has stood in the fourth phase of environmental policy. At this phase, the EU environmental policy moved from the traditional ‘command-and-control’ way to a ‘more flexible, cost-effective and market-based’ solution (McCormick, 2001:68). In this phase, it is necessary to mention the Fifth and the Sixth EAP. The Fifth EAP aimed at transforming present consumption patterns of economic growth in the EU to promote sustainable development and environmental protection. According to Young (2000:87), it is a program established on the basis of ideas of ‘ecological modernization’. The main theme of the Sixth EAP is working with the market through business and consumer interests. It put forward some priority areas of strategic action, for instance, improving existing legislative practices, integrating environmental considerations into other major policy areas, working closer with the market, etc.
  Up to now, the EU is steadily moving towards an integrated and broad-ranging approach to environmental management, and is perhaps building the foundations for a common environmental policy.
  5. The Ecologically Modernizing EU?
  Connecting the features of ecological modernization with the EU environmental policy, one may observe that the Union has been steadily heading for ecological modernization. In fact, many sociologists are of the same opinion. Hajer (1995:26) points out that the central idea of ecological modernization is ‘pollution prevention pays’. Barry (2005) regards the polluter-pays principle and the precautionary measures as explicit focus of ecological modernization. Sbragia (2000) holds that the EU emerged as ‘a key player in international environmental politics’ that advances in the environmental policy area. Baker (1997:94) recognizes that environmental protection can be the source of economic development, and the Fourth EAP was the real acceptance of the ideology of ecological modernization.
  Anderson and Liefferink (1997) analyze the national environmental policies in some typical member states of the EU, like, Sweden, Austria, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands and conclude that EU is a pioneer in environmental policy area. Hence, the EU, to a large extent, is an ecologically modernizing organization.   6. Conclusion
  Ecological modernization theory arising in the 1980s is a real challenge to the ‘command-and-control’ and ‘zero-sum game’ ideologies dominant in the 1960s and the 1970s. It is an optimistic approach aiming at developing economy and protecting environment simultaneously. Upon emerging, the approach of ecological modernization has attracted much attention particularly from the governments of the EU member states. Looking into the implementation of EU environmental policy, the author realizes that the EU environmental reform in the past decades has coincided with the main features and trend of ecological modernization. Taking all of the above-mentioned factors into consideration, one may conclude that the EU has played a leading role in ecological modernization.
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【摘要】随着世界经济全球化的发展,当下对大学生的英语交际能力提出了更高的要求。但是目前国内大学生的英语水平并不是很高,受传统英语教学的影响,很多大学生很难说出一口顺畅流利的英语。而产出导向型教学法在大学英语教学中的应用能很好地帮助学生提高英语口语、书面沟通及英语自主学习的能力。  【关键词】大学英语教学 产出导向型教学 输入 输出 应用研究  产出导向型教学法是一种新的教学方法,它是在原来输入输出
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