中国档案文献遗产选刊之三 江南机器制造局档案

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文献形成年代:1851年(清咸丰元年)—1933年文献数量:90卷文献保存者:上海市档案馆江南机器制造局是19世纪中叶由洋务派著名人物李鸿章创办的我国最有代表性的早期近代企业之一。该文献为江南机器制造局创办初期部分档案材料,详实地记述了江南机器制造局诞生及进行生产的过程,是反映江南机器制造局早期历史的珍贵材料,同时也是研究洋务运动及民族工业发展史的宝贵史料。 Document Year: 1851 (Qing Xianfeng first year) - 1933 Number of documents: 90 Volume Contributors: Shanghai Archives Jiangnan Machine Building Bureau is the mid-19th century, the most representative by the Westernization School Li Hongzhang founder of the most representative One of the early modern enterprises. This document is the initial part of Jiangnan Machine Building Bureau to create the archives, a detailed account of the Jiangnan Machine Manufacturing Bureau was born and the process of production is to reflect the early Jiangnan Machine Building Bureau of precious materials, but also to study the Westernization Movement and the history of the development of national industry Precious historical materials.
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