Deployments to Further Enterprise Standards Reform

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<正>As a key part of the ongoing standardization reform,the Self-declaration and Disclosure of Enterprise Product and Service Standards and Supervision System has achieved notable progress through pilot projects carried out at the nation level.Recent
<正>Working meeting of SVAC standards promotion leading group was held on July 21,2014 to speed up the promotion and application of the national standard GB/T 2
<正>SAC off icially released eight national standards for logistics on December31,2013,and the new standards will take effect from July 1,2014:1.GB/T 19680:2005
<正>Responding to the deployments of strengthening national manufacturing industry,SAC recently called in experts to study on the development of the&#39;Nationa
<正>Recently, MOST, AQSIQ and SAC jointly released the Special Plan on Technical Standards and Technology Development (2011-2015). As a framework document for t
<正>The 25th General Conference on Weights and Measures(Conf&#233;rence G&#233;n&#233;rale des Poids et Mesures,CGPM)took place in Versailles,France from Novemb
<正>News came from the Standardization Management Board of IEC that Chinese expert Chen Bo,Vice-President of Harbin Research Institute of Electrical Instruments