To forgive,to forget and to let go

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  Last Saturday morning, while scanning some pages of Crazy English, which I read last year,I came across an article entitled The Gift of Forgiveness. It narrates a story about forgiveness between the author and her friend Hannah. While driving her car, the author accidentally injures Hannah,leaving an imprint on her face, which destroys Hannah’s career as a model. However,Hannah’s mother forgives the author,which allows the two girls to stay friends throughout all their life.
  The story arouses my reflection upon forgiveness, which is indispensable to everyone. For this, I recall a story about Li Yapeng and Wang Fei. Years ago, they established Smile Angel Foundation to raise funds for children in poverty with cleft(裂口) lips and palates. One day, when Li politely handed a leaflet(傳单) to a man, the man, without even giving a glance, just threw it onto the floor in public, which made Li feel insulted(侮辱). However, bending over, Li picked up the leaflet and said softly, “I am so sorry to have disturbed you.” Then Li continued to distribute leaflets.Shortly afterwards, when Li traveled on business, an unexpected donation of ¥10,000 arrived at him with no name left but a note which read“I am sorry”. It was just from the man. This story makes me become fully conscious that forgiving will bring us more than what we expect.
  Forgiveness is an action; forgiveness is a consideration; forgiveness is also an inner self-cultivation as well as our lifelong destination. Therefore, what we should pursue throughout our life is to forgive the wrongs done on us. Only when we truly learn to forgive, to forget and to let go, can we dig out the more of human nature, experience more beautiful moments, gain more joy and happiness, and greet a more harmonious world.
摘要:语言测试是我国现行考试体系中比重最大、普及范围最广、影响范围最广的考试。语言测试在教育、人事选拔等领域都发挥着无可替代的作用。社会对考试结果的认可越高,对考试的专业性要求也就越高。语言考试实际上已经成为了一项高风险考试。本文对考试分数的合成方法做了总结,以其为相关研究提供参考。  关键词:语言测试;合成;方法  一、引言  中国是最早使用考试的国家,从古代的科举发展到现代的考试,考试在教育、
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【摘要】目的:探讨中医辨证用于慢性支气管炎肺气肿的治疗价值。方法:回顾分析本院2015年9月- 2018年4月收治的80例慢性支气管炎肺气肿患者临床资料,随机均分为两组,对照组采取常规治疗,观察组采取中医辨证治疗。结果:观察组治疗总有效率高于对照组,p<0.05;观察组不良反应发生率低于对照组,p 0.05。 1.2 方法  对照组采取常规治疗:给予头孢曲松注射液(厂家:西南药业;国药准字号:H