Expressions Describing Important People

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Some expressions describe people who are important or who at least thinkthey are.One such expression is‘bigwig’.~1 In the 17th century,importantmen in Europe began to wear false hair called wigs.As years passed,wigsbegan to get bigger.The size of a man’s wig depended on how important hewas.The more important he was or thought he was,the bigger the wig hewore.Some wigs were so large that they covered the man’s shoulders orback.Today the expression‘bigwig’is used to make fun of a person who Some expressions describe people who are important or who at least thinkthey are.One such expression is’bigwig ’. ~ 1 In the 17th century, importantmen in Europe began to wear false hair called wigs.As years passed, wigsbegan to get bigger. size of a man’s wig depended on how important hewas. more than he was or thought he was, the bigger the wig hewore.Some wigs were so large that they covered the man’s shoulders orback.Today the expression’bigwig’is used to make fun of a person who
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