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高梁植株的叶片角度是构成优良株型的主要性状之一,决定着植株叶片的空间分布,关系到单位面积上的光能利用,对于品种的生产力具有举足轻重的影响。在高粱的矮秆育种和高密栽培中都十分重视株型结构特别是叶片角度的选择和研究,而且当做高密丰产的主要技术指标。但是对该性状遗传传递规律的研究,尚未见有报道,使株型育种缺乏理论指导。因此,我们于1980—1983年进行了高粱株型结构的遗传研究,主要探讨高粱叶片角度的遗传规律,叶角与株型其它性状间的关系, The leaf angle of sorghum is one of the main traits that make up the excellent plant type. It determines the spatial distribution of plant leaves and relates to the utilization of light energy per unit area, which has a decisive influence on the productivity of varieties. In the sorghum dwarf breeding and high-density cultivation are attaches great importance to plant type structure, especially leaf angle selection and research, but also as a key technical indicators of high yield. However, there is no report about the law of gene transfer of this trait, which makes the lack of theoretical guidance for plant type breeding. Therefore, we conducted a genetic study on plant structure of Sorghum from 1980 to 1983, and mainly discussed the genetic law of sorghum leaf angle, the relationship between leaf angle and other plant type characters,
The current-voltage and electroluminescence characteristics of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are investigated under forward dc bias in a dark environment a
The quantum reactive scattering dynamics calculations are carried out over the collision energy range of 0-1.0e V on the double many-body exparsion (DMBE) poten
Using a simple sphere-tip compression system,the local radial mechanical properties of DNA are systematically studied by changing the tip size.When the tip size
为了进一步深化企业改革 ,攸县粮食局决定把实行委派会计制度作强化财务监管、实现扭亏增盈的突破口。工作步骤如下 :1 .多方宣传 ,达成共识。委派会计工作必须取得财政、银
2018年6月的最后一天,小泽结束了在南昌市红谷滩新区某公办幼儿园的小班课程,回到家中,从书包里拿出上课的绘本,对爷爷奶奶说:“我给你们讲一个故事——《袜子》……”入园仅一年,就能讲述一个完整的故事,爷爷奶奶对小泽的“汇报表演”很满意,并认为幼儿园的教学质量高。  然而,在一旁目睹了全过程的小泽爸爸却有自己的担忧。“小泽其实是按照绘本中每一页的文字,一字不差地背诵下来的。”小泽爸爸说,“幼儿园里老
We present an all-fiber gain-switched thulium (Tm) doped fiber laser operating in the eye-safe region at 1940nm.The fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) inscribed by pha
六年级毕业考试倒计时,我正围绕着那几个以前考试常常不及格的“老大难”学生进行重点突破。“小刺头”柳淳也在其中,作为课堂上的“活跃分子”,自然是我重点关注的对象。一是希望他能多提高几分,二是看紧他以免影响别的同学学习。他对我的一些做法有点抱怨,但因其他孩子没吭声,他也只好每天“浑水摸鱼”,得过且过。  天热,大家都想单独坐,可柳淳却喜欢和赵伟黏在一起。自然没有认真背书,只为“吱吱唔唔”混日子。本来时
在教师的教学生涯中,遇到学生的“挑衅”不可避免。那么,教师该如何面对?让我们从影片《超脱》说起。  教师马斯先生走进教室,向学生问好后,告知学生:该堂课是关于英语11级的,如果不想听课可以不参加。一个叫做马库斯的男孩很不礼貌地称呼老师为“伙计”,以挑衅的语气和神态要老师介绍自己。马斯语气淡定地介绍自己的名字并板书在黑板上。女生玛丽制止马库斯,却遭到了马库斯的辱骂。教师随即将马库斯请出了教室,一道门
In the whole Letter,J/ψ should be replaced by ψ(2S).On the page 071301-3,in the fifth paragraph "BR(J/ψ → Ac+(∑+)) =1.90 × 10-10" should be "BR(ψ(2S) →A