,Analysis of Electron Recombination in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Based on the Forward Bias Dependen

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pearwj
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The current-voltage and electroluminescence characteristics of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are investigated under forward dc bias in a dark environment at room temperature.The results show that the presence of dyes can play an important role in improving device performance,and also produce defects at the TiO2/dye/electrolyte interfaces,which dominate the electron-hole recombination process and become a limiting factor in obtaining high-efficiency DSSCs.The goodness of fit between measured and calculated data supports these conclusions.
采访宜丰县新庄镇小学杨凤华校长时正值高考首日,暴雨中的校园又是停水又是停电。  “农村教育很朴实,也接地气,认知中可能遇到的难处,这儿都可能遇到。但也有好的一面。”杨凤华笑着将记者引进由女生宿舍改造成的办公室,窗外便是片片农田,“碰到今天下雨,要是没下雨,看看孩子们做操,真是让人心生欢喜呢。”  在县里最东边的农村学校待了二十多年,扎个马尾辫的杨凤华依旧元气满满,说着说着就拽起记者,要“去看看”。
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