A Practical Exploration of Academic English Teaching forNon-English Majors in Guilin University of T

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  【Abstract】Since entering the 21st century, a series of reforms have taken place in college English teaching in China. Nevertheless, it still cannot satisfy the demand of the students and the development of modern society. Taking Guilin University of Technology as an example, this paper aims to analyze the necessity and feasibility of setting up Academic English courses for non-English majors.
  【Key words】Academic English; demand; reform
  1. Introduction
  In the 21st century, college English teaching is in the period of transition from English for General Purposes to English for Academic Purposes,and Academic English has become a high-frequency word. It is a new subject and concept in English education and there are some problems should be solved. In this paper,the necessity and feasibility of setting Academic English course are discussed. It is hoped that this study will shed some new light on Academic English teaching in China.
  2. The Necessity of Setting up Academic English Courses for Non-English Majors
  Spolsky said that the number of the papers written by those scientists who came from the third country is much more than five percent in some top international academic journals. What caused this phenomenon? According to the analysis by Stuart Govan, apart from the research topic is not new, many writers cannot express themselves clearly enough in language expression in their academic papers. In addition, China’s policy “National medium-term and long-term educational reform and development plan outline (2010-2020 ) ” points out that, teachers should train students into talents who have broad horizons, and the ability to participate in international events and competitions. So the demand of professional English talent is great, and it’s quite necessary to set up Academic English courses.
  3. The Feasibility of Setting up Academic English Courses in GUT
  Taking Guilin University of Technology for example, with the exchanging with foreign universities, some academic exchanges are also gradually increasing, and the demand of professional English talents in non-English majors is large. Although some non-English majors have already selected some Academic English courses, it still cannot satisfy their needs. What’s more, the teaching content of such course is relatively single till now. Moreover, since students come from different majors, the professionalism and universality of teaching materials are difficult to attract students’ attention and cultivate their strong interest in a short period of time. All in all, the feasibility of setting up Academic English courses in GUT is very high.   4. Practical Analysis of Academic English Teaching in GUT
  4.1 Target of Academic English Courses
  Academic English courses are set to improve students’ cross-cultural communication skills and their abilities to use English to promote professional learning. Meanwhile, the curriculum will be student-centered.
  4.2 The Requirement of Teaching
  English for Specific Academic Purposes must be a required course for undergraduates when they have completed English for General Academic Purposes courses,as generic literacy ( such as: predicting,paraphrasing,summarizing and synthesizing) is decontextualized and takes on meaning only when it is situated in the context of disciplinary studies. Disciplinary practices differ not only in content but also in the way this content such as: disciplinary theories and knowledge is constructed and disseminated.English for Specific Academic Purposes or disciplinary literacy is involved with genre,rhetorical and linguistic knowledge underlying each respective competence.After studying, the student will possess such academic competence so that they can become qualified members of their disciplinary communities.
  4.3 Teaching Contents and Teaching Methods
  General English is the main part of the English courses, while there are few academic English courses. Therefore, we will innovate and set different kinds of Academic courses, based on students’ needs. Teaching practices are being carried out in GUT in the new teaching form of conceptualizing the knowledge and skills, presenting and evaluating with innovations in teaching contents, classroom structure and evaluation system. Moreover, we will spare no efforts to satisfy the needs of different students and offer various kinds of courses, so that students will not feel bored during learning.
  4.4 Course Features
  We will establish an English learning platform including: Academic English listening, vocabulary, reading, writing and so on to expand student’s interest and enthusiasm in English. In addition, college English teachers can comprehensively discover their knowledge foundation and their advantages. Meanwhile, colleges can provide opportunities for both English teachers and students to broaden the knowledge and offer them advanced interdisciplinary studies. The use of classroom stage is important for students to create a unique and intuitive learning environment, so that they can have a better learning of Academic English and make good use of them rather than rote learning.   4.5 Evaluation System
  The course evaluation will be divided into two parts: the formative assessment and the summative assessment which takes up 40% and 60% respectively. The formative assessment includes students’ personal assessment, panel evaluation and teachers’ evaluation, based on students’ autonomous learning, degree of participation, team spirit, and contribution in cooperative study. While the summative assessment focuses on checking whether the curriculum and the teaching quality can satisfy students and meet their needs.
  5. Conclusion
  When facing with the economic globalization and the internationalization, college English needs to reorient itself. If the college wants to cultivate students with international competitive competence, academic English courses will be highly necessity. We are trying to improve student’s cross-cultural communication skills and their abilities to use English. More importantly, it also nurtures their academic literacy such as the ability to study, create and communicate. From these points, academic English should be a must for undergraduates.
  The exploration of the feasibility of Academic English reform in GUT is a new experiment and there are some shortcomings and flaws, such as: the lack of the teachers, whether the curriculum can meet the needs of students and so on. What we need to do is to keep an open mind on the recommendations and suggestions from teachers and students to improve this teaching system continuously.
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作为儒家的重要经典,西汉成书的《礼记》不仅记载先秦时期的典章制度,同时也站在先秦儒家的视角,从哲学与政治的角度,对典章制度所承载的“礼治”内涵,提出了自己的见解。这其中最为著名的,就是对“大同”与“小康”的认知。  在《礼记》中,对“大同”这样定义:  大道之行也,天下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜寡孤独废疾者皆有所养。男有分,女有归。货恶
【摘要】多元化教学模式在医学英语教学中的应用,能够激发学生的学习热情,还能对医学英语的教学质量以及学生主动学习的能力进行培养和提高。鉴于此,本文将对多元化教学模式在医学英语教学中的应用进行分析。  【关键词】医学英语;多元化;形成性评估  在医学英语的教学过程中,主要将教师作为主导,运用的教学方法缺乏多样化,很多学生在课堂上都是处于被动状态,学习兴趣非常低,不具备学习主动性,因而导致学习效果不尽人
【摘要】词汇教学是高中英语教学的重要组成部分,是学生学习英语的基础课程。对此,在新课改背景下,高中英语教师应积极创新词汇教学模式。文章就此展开了讨论,先是结合教学实际分析了高中英语词汇教学中存在的问题,然后从三个方面详细分析了如何解决高中英语词汇教学中存在的问题,提高词汇教学效率。  【关键词】高中英语;词汇教学;问题;对策  词汇教学是教师教学的重难点。教师若要保证词汇教学质量,就应深入词汇教学
【摘要】我国的教育体系已经向着信息化方向发展,当前已经开始逐步建成互联网 教育的模式来提高教学质量。基于对小学英语当前教学中存在问题的研究,本文提出了互联网 小学英语教学的模式,通过对这种方法的应用,提高小学英语教学的质量和效率,夯实小学生的英语学习基础,为后续的学习过程指明方向。  【关键词】互联网 ;小学英语;英语教学  引言  互联网 概念將传统内容与互联网技术融合,建成基于互联网技术的新的
【摘要】自从我国改革开放以来,人们的生活水平有了很大的提高,科学技术的进步速度也越来越快,目前已经进入信息化时代。在当前的大环境中,实际在开展高校学生管理的时候,应当将信息化技术的作用充分发挥出来,对传统的管理理念不断进行更新,促进信息化建设的发展,使信息化的管理体系逐渐向着规范化、科学化的方向完善。因此,在当下的信息化背景下,开展高校学生的事业管理工作,应当结合“互联网 ”技术,以此促进高校学生
【摘要】本文基于对微媒体视域下大学英语教学的研究,首先阐述了微媒体在大学英语教学中应用,具有提供更多教学资源、实现有效沟通的重要作用。然后分析了大学英语教学中现状和存在的问题。最后,为保证微媒体能够被更好应用在大学英语教学中,给出了创造良好学习环境、加强教学资源共享等措施。  【关键词】微媒体;大学英语;教学  【作者简介】吴思颖,南昌大学人民武装学院外语系。  大学英语是大学教育中的重要组成部分
【摘要】在小学英语教学中,阅读是处于重要地位的一种教学方法。通过英语阅读能够锻炼小学生的口语表达能力和思维能力,提升小学生对于英语学习的兴趣和个人的英语全面综合素质。教会小学生英语阅读的技巧和能力是小学英语教学中的重要内容,实践表明通过英语绘本阅读能够有效的激发小学生的英语阅读兴趣,让他们积极主动的学习英语,值得在小学英语教学实践中推广。  【关键词】小学英语;绘本阅读;研究  绘本也就是我们常说