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我国改革开放的进程逐渐加快,经济发展和社会进步的步伐都上了一个新的台阶,人们的消费理念和消费意识都发生了翻天覆地的变化,在这个大背景下,高校高职高专的教育也就不像过去那么纯粹,学生会面对来自社会各界的影响和诱惑,这也就要求为了保持教育的纯粹性,促进学生思想道德方面的发展,培养技能和人品全面发展的高素质人才,必须在高职高专的教育中加大思政教育的力度,但是在过去的思政教育的课堂上,教师只是将思政教育的内容单纯的灌输给学生,而忽略了课堂的氛围和趣味性,忽略学生在课堂中的主体地位,这也就导致了传统思政教育课堂的枯燥和乏味,因此为了适应社会对于高职高专教育的要求,就必须对思政的课堂进行变革,本文就旨在简要分析将情景教学法引入高职高专的思政教育课堂中来。 The process of China’s reform and opening up has been gradually accelerated, the pace of economic development and social progress have reached a new level, people’s consumption concepts and consumer awareness have undergone enormous changes, in this context, the higher vocational education It is not as pure as in the past. Students will face the influence and temptation from all walks of life. This requires that in order to maintain the purity of education, promote the development of students’ ideology and morality, and cultivate high-quality talents with all-round skills and character development, However, in the classroom of ideological and political education in the past, teachers simply instilled the content of ideological and political education into students, while ignoring the atmosphere and interest of the classroom Therefore, in order to meet the social demand for higher vocational education, we must reform the classroom of ideological and political education. This article The purpose of this paper is to briefly analyze the introduction of situational teaching into the ideological and political education in higher vocational colleges.
BACKGROUND: The incidence of carcinoma of the pan creas is increasing in the world. Pancreatic carcinoma i characterized by early local extension to contiguous
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