Simulation and Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Jiangsu Province Based on Model and GIS

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feya520
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Based on the databases of soils, meteorology, crop production, and agricultural management, changes in the soil organic carbon (SOC) of agro ecosystems in Jiangsu Province were simulated by using a soil organic carbon model with a linkage of GIS. Four data sets of soil organic carbon measured from various field experiments in Jiangsu Province were used to validate the model. It was demonstrated that the model simulation in general agreed with the field measurements. Model simulation indicated that the SOC content in approximately 77% of the agricultural soils in Jiangsu Province has increased since the Second National Soil Survey completed in the early 1980s. Compared with the values in 1985, the SOC content in 2000 was estimated to increase by 1.03.0 g kg 1 for the north and the coastal areas of the province, and by 3.55.0 g kg 1 for the region of Tai Lake in the south. A slight decrease (about 0.51.5 g kg 1 ) was estimated for the central region of Jiangsu Province and the Nanjing Zhenjiang hilly area. Model prediction for 2010 A.D. under two scena rios, i.e., with 30 and 50% of the harvested crop straw incorporation, suggested that the SOC in Jiangsu Province would increase, and thus that the agricultural soils would have potential as organic carbon storage. The incorporation of crop straw into soils is of great benefit to increase soil carbon storage, consequently to benefit the control of the rise of atmospheric CO 2 concentration and to maintain the sustainable development of agriculture. Based on the databases of soils, meteorology, crop production, and agricultural management, changes in the soil organic carbon (SOC) of agro ecosystems in Jiangsu Province were were simulated by using a soil organic carbon model with a linkage of GIS. Four data sets of soil was used to validate the model. It was demonstrated that the model simulation in general agreed with the field measurements. Model simulation that that the SOC content in approximately 77% of the agricultural soils in Jiangsu Compared with the values ​​in 1985, the SOC content in 2000 was estimated to increase by 1.03.0 kg 1 for the north and the coastal areas of the province, and by 3.55.0 g kg 1 for the region of Tai Lake in the south. A slight decrease (about 0.51.5 g kg 1) was estimated for the central region of Jiangsu Province an d the Nanjing Zhenjiang hilly area. Model prediction for 2010 AD under two scena rios, ie, with 30 and 50% of the harvested crop straw incorporation, suggested that the SOC in Jiangsu would would, and that the agricultural soils would have potential as organic carbon storage. The incorporation of crop straw into soils is of great benefit to increase soil carbon storage, thanks to benefit the control of the rise of atmospheric CO 2 concentration and to maintain the sustainable development of agriculture.
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