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枣树桃小食心虫(桃蛀果蛾 Carposinaniponensis walsingham)在我省西部山区大枣产区发生普遍而严重,是为害枣果降低红枣产量的重要害虫。据在曲阳、阜平、唐县等几个大枣重点产县的调查,虫果率一般在50-60%,发生严重年份达80-90%。被虫为害的枣果减轻的重量约达30%。在枣果生长期,由于桃小食心虫的为害,常使枣果早期落掉,无食用价值,因虫为害而落果的数量约占全树枣果总数的30%以上,严重者达50%,是当前枣树生产中的一个重要问题。 Jujube Peach moth borer (Peach moth moth Carposinaniponensis walsingham) occurs in the western mountainous areas of jujube in our province occurs generally and seriously, is to reduce the jujube fruit jujube yield an important pest. According to Quyang, Fuping, Tang County and other key jujube counties survey, fruit rate is generally 50-60%, a serious year up to 80-90%. Jujube damaged pest weight loss of about 30%. Jujube fruit growth period, due to the peach moxa damage, often jujube early fall, no edible value, the number of pests due to insect damage and deciduous fruit accounted for about 30% of the total number of jujube trees, in severe cases up to 50% It is an important issue in the current jujube production.
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为了给中共中央、国务院召开全国农村卫生工作会议做好学术理论准备 ,中华预防医学会卫生事业管理分会、初级卫生保健分会及中国农村卫生事业管理杂志社 ,在山东省泰安市联合