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1984—1985年,对苏州地区不同营养类型湖泊9种经济鱼类中26种金属元素含量进行了测定和分析。①在湖泊中污染区的鱼体金属元素含量要比非污染区高。②鱼对金属元素的吸收、富集规律是:底层鱼>中层鱼>上层鱼;食物链长的鱼>食物链短的鱼(即肉食性鱼>杂食性鱼>草食性鱼);鱼鳃>鱼肉。③在相同的环境条件和生长状况下,鱼体中金属元素含量具有相对的稳定性;鱼在污染性湖泊中具有区域性分布的特点,因而鱼也是污染物的指示者之一。④苏州地区湖泊鱼体中金属元素的自然含量不太高,与苏联里海地区的鱼类相近似;它们在鱼体内的排列次序为:铁>锌>锶>铜>铅>钡>锂>铌>镓>镍>铈>钛>锰>钍>钴>铬>砷>汞>镉>钒>锆>钇>镧>铍≥镱>钼。 From 1984 to 1985, 26 kinds of metal elements in 9 kinds of economic fish in different types of lakes in Suzhou area were measured and analyzed. (1) The content of metal elements in fish in the polluted area in lakes is higher than that in non-polluted area. ② fish on the absorption of metal elements, the enrichment of the law are: the bottom of the fish> middle fish> the upper fish; food chain length of the fish> food chain short fish (ie, carnivorous fish> omnivorous fish> herbivorous fish) . ③ Under the same environmental conditions and growth conditions, the content of metal elements in the fish is relatively stable; the fish has the characteristics of regional distribution in polluted lakes, and therefore the fish is also one of the indicators of pollutants. (4) The natural content of metal elements in lakes and fish in Suzhou area is not too high, which is similar to that in the Caspian Sea in the Soviet Union. The order of their arrangement in the fish is iron> zinc> strontium> copper> lead> barium> lithium> niobium > Gallium> nickel> cerium> titanium> manganese> thorium> cobalt> chromium> arsenic> mercury> cadmium> vanadium> zirconium> yttrium> lanthanum> beryllium> ytterbium> molybdenum.
中华鲟是我国特有的大型溯河性珍稀名贵鱼类,是我国的一级野生保护动物。作者搜集了大量资料,根据目前长江口中华鲟资源状况,提出保护中华鲟幼鱼资源的对策。 Chinese sturg
From August to September,the Chinese Entrepreneur Survey System organized and implemented“Chinese Entrepreneur Questionnaire Follow-up Survey 2014”.This marke
文坛信息总汇精品佳作集萃发行代号3-22周一刊全年订价:61.80元《文学报》是全国率先创刊又最有影响的专业性文学报纸, Literary information collection boutique masterpi
我叫张国源,今年72岁,是一位志愿军老兵,现住湖南省慈利县江垭镇。在1949年14岁时,我经历了一次历时15天的生死劫难。如今,半个世纪过去了,那次不堪回首的经历,依然深刻地印在我的脑海中。    突遭横祸    1949年暑假的一天,我和两个叔叔沿着大路,到山包上的张家老屋乘凉。我当时在慈利县立中学(今慈利一中)读书,初三毕业;两个叔叔在溇江中学(今慈利二中)读书,比我大几岁。两个叔叔手中抱着一