
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chang_baoping
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培植黄韭属软化栽培,是蔬芽保护地生产形式之一。深县中部西安庄、杜庄等乡村培植黄韭已有五百年的历史。广大农民积累了丰富的栽培经验。所产黄韭,纯黄透亮、味鲜美、香气浓,深受广大消费者的欢迎。他们的基本经验是:一、培育壮根。这是培植好黄韭的基础。播种方法有两种,一是春栽去冬培植黄韭用过的老韭根;二是晚春或初夏直播新种子。前者叶虽宽厚,但产量较低;后者叶片细窄,产量较高。无论哪种方法,都必须施足底肥,及时追肥。追肥以饼肥和尿素为好(切勿追施碳铵,以免造成烂叶),共追2—3次。并合理灌水,及时拔除杂草.严禁收割,刨根时间宁晚勿早,一般封冻前刨下即可。二、挖池,为培植黄韭做好准备。选择背风向阳 Cultivation of yellow leek is softened cultivation, is one of the forms of vegetable bud protection. Xianzhuang in the middle of the deep county, Du Zhuang and other villages to cultivate yellow leek has five hundred years of history. The majority of farmers have accumulated rich experience in cultivation. Produced yellow leek, pure yellow translucent, delicious, strong aroma, welcomed by the vast number of consumers. Their basic experience is: First, cultivate strong roots. This is the foundation for cultivating good yellow leek. There are two kinds of sowing methods, one is the spring planting winter leek cultivated yellow leek root leek; the second is late spring or early summer broadcast of new seeds. Although the former leaves generous, but the yield is low; the latter thin narrow leaves, higher yield. No matter what kind of method, must apply sufficient enough fertilizer, timely top-dressing. Top dressing to cake and urea as well (do not chase ammonium bicarbonate, so as to avoid rotten leaves), a total of chasing 2-3 times. And reasonable irrigation, timely removal of weeds. Harvest is forbidden, do not rooting time rather late, generally frozen before planing. Second, digging pool, ready for the cultivation of yellow leek. Choose leeward sunny
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4kb /s低速率话音编码是近年来话音信号处理研究的重要课题 ,也是ITU T下一步标准化的目标 ,本文讨论了由Comsat公司提出的采用谐波激励线性预测(HE LPC ,HarmonicExcitation