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2013年10月17日,《南京晨报》“无厘头”地在第一版刊登一张天气图,标题为“南京换季”。不知就里的人弄不明白报社为何要在不是换季的日子登一张天气图?然而,任何事情有因必有果其因,就是此前一日该市市委副书记、市长季建业因涉嫌严重违法违纪,被中纪委调查组从南京带往北京接受组织调查。待同日新华网正式对外发布消息后,南京市民方才如梦初醒,原来“天气图”另有所指,不禁打心眼里感叹《南京晨报》媒体人的睿 October 17, 2013, “Nanjing Morning Post” “does not make sense ” in the first edition published a weather map, entitled “Nanjing season ”. I do not know where the people do not understand why the newspaper is not the season on a weather map? However, any reason because there must be its cause, that is, the day before the city’s municipal party committee Ji Jianye, deputy secretary of the suspected serious Violation of discipline and discipline, was investigated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection from Nanjing to Beijing to accept the investigation. When the same day the official release of the news on the same day Xinhua, Nanjing citizens just woke up, the original “weather map” otherwise referred to, can not help but lamented the hearts of “Nanjing Morning Post” media people Rui
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