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科普和文学是一对很好的“情人”。科普和文学结缘,对普及科学技术,发展科普事业和文学事业相得益彰,大有好处,应努力促进这种姻缘关系。近几年来,云南一些知名作家在科普工作的感召下,纷纷深入农村体验生活,写了不少科普文学作品,对云南的科普工作起了很大的推动作用。最有成效的是著名作家汤世杰。当他到宁蒗考察了那里的科普工作之后,便以优美流畅的文学笔调,撰写了1万多字的报告文学《小凉山的金苹果》,生动地描写了小凉山人民用科技之火驱赶贫困,改变山区落后面貌的奋斗历程,展现了我们这个时代科普工作者献身科普事业的精神风貌。这篇文章在《人民日报》、《中国科协报》和《民族文学》发表后,在省内外引起了强烈反响,前往宁蒗参观考察科普工作的团队络绎不绝。文学作品对科普工作的推动作用显而易见。《小凉山的金苹果》既推动了科普工作的发展,也进一步激发了 Popular science and literature are a good “lover.” The popularization of popular science and technology, the development of science popularization and literary undertakings are of great benefit to science popularization and literature. We should make every effort to promote this kind of marriage affiliation. In recent years, some well-known writers in Yunnan, inspired by science popularization work, have gone deep into rural areas to experience life and wrote many popular literature works, which played a great role in promoting science popularization in Yunnan. The most effective is the famous writer Tang Shijie. When he went to Ninglang to study the science popularization there, he wrote a reportage of more than 10,000 words, “The Golden Apple in Xiaoliangshan”, with beautiful and smooth literary style. He vividly described the people in Xiaoliangshan driving off the fire of science and technology Poverty and changing the backwardness of mountainous areas. This shows us the spirit of dedicating ourselves to science popularization in our time. After the publication of “People’s Daily”, “China Association for Science and Technology Daily” and “National Literature,” this article aroused strong repercussions both inside and outside the province. The team going to Ninglang to visit and study popular science works in an endless stream. Literary work to promote the role of science popularization is obvious. “Little Apple Hill” not only promoted the development of popular science work, but also further stimulated
目的 观察并探讨杨氏3A+特色疗法“椎五针”治疗枢椎棘突综合征的安全性及临床疗效.方法 88例枢椎棘突综合征患者采用电脑生成随机数字法随机分为治疗组和对照组,2组各44例,
目的 研究中西医结合疗法治疗手足口病的安全性及有效性.方法 将2015年5月-2016年6月手足口病患者120例随机分2组.西医治疗组采用常规疗法对症治疗,中西医结合组在西医治疗组
音乐、舞蹈作为中专体育课的一种补充教材,已引起广大体育教师的重视。本文结合多年教学实践,谈谈自己的一些粗浅认识。1 舞蹈教学在体育课中的作用 “兴趣是最好的老师”。