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随着家电、汽车、基础设施建设等塑料制品配套领域的高速发展,2010年塑料加工行业仍会以较高的速度发展。但同时,我国塑料制品出口量在10 Mt左右,塑料制品出口量约占总产量的1/3。受国际市场经济不景气、消费能力持续下降影响,今年出口形势依然严峻。由于塑料加工行业的增长主 With the rapid development in the field of plastic products such as home appliances, automobiles and infrastructure construction, the plastics processing industry will still develop at a relatively high speed in 2010. At the same time, the export volume of plastic products in China is about 10 Mt, and the export of plastic products accounts for about 1/3 of the total output. Affected by the sluggish economy in the international market and the sustained decline in spending power, the export situation this year remains grim. Due to the growth of plastics processing industry
微星科技 BXMASTER主机板自推出以来,第五度获得肯定。继去年 11、 12月份新加坡 SnperPet.com与Overclockers’Workbench网站的强力报导;今年1月份台湾PC Shopper杂志的编辑推荐,以及美国AnandTech网站的 MSI Technology BXMASTER motherboard h
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Various mutants defective in phytohormone biosynthesis and signaling pathways have been identified and characterized recently. Functional analysis of correspond
本文介绍一种用于脉冲锁相源的C波段微带FET VCO。电调斜率为1.5~2.8MHZ/V,电调范围大于40MHZ,在电调范围内输出功率大于180mw,功率起伏小于±6%,直流转换效率大于12%。文章还介
告别了墙面单色平面时代,开创一个复色立体的墙面装饰时代,从而打破了内墙乳胶漆同质化竞争的局面,实现差异化竞争。 Bid farewell to the age of the monochrome plane wal