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在滇东北这片沃土上,驻守着一支人民拥戴的部队——曲靖地区消防支队.这支部队自组建以来,全体官兵继承和发扬人民军队的光荣传统,牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,把驻地当故乡,视人民为父母.政治坚定、作风过硬、训练有素、保障有力,出色完成了各级党委、政府及上级交给的防火灭火、处置突发事件等各项任务.支队所属的三个中队被当地政府评为“双拥”工作先进单位,两个中队被县、市评为政法工作先进单位,五个中队荣立集体三等功.180多名官兵立功受奖,一名警官被评为全省“双拥”先进个人,支队被曲靖市树为精神文明建设先进单位.该支队在消防工作中,始终贯彻“预防为主,防消结合”的方针,采取多形式、多渠道、全方位宣传教育,通过广播、电视、电影、印发资料、咨询服务等多种宣传工具和手段,大张旗鼓地向人民群众宣传防火、灭火常识,提高公民防火意识.仅93年就录制发放防火录像、录音磁带1150盘、宣传资料12130 In the fertile soil of northeast Yunnan, it is stationed in a unit supported by the people, the fire detachment in Qujing Prefecture. Since the formation of this unit, all officers and soldiers have inherited and carried forward the glorious tradition of the people’s army and kept in mind the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. Resident hometown, depending on the people as parents, political stability, excellent style, well-trained, strong support, excellent completion of the party committees and governments at all levels and their superiors to the fire prevention and treatment, handling emergencies and other tasks. Three squadrons were rated as advanced units of “double-support” by the local government, two squadrons were appraised as advanced units of political and legal work by counties and cities, and five squadrons formed the collective third class. More than 180 officers and men won the prize and one police officer Was named the province’s “double support” advanced individuals, detachment was Qujing City tree for the construction of advanced units of spiritual civilization in the work of the detachment in the fire, and always implement the “prevention first, prevent the combination of” approach to take more forms and more Channels, a full range of publicity and education, through radio, television, movies, printed materials, advisory services and other promotional tools and tools, in a big way to the public awareness of fire prevention, fire fighting Knowledge, improve citizen awareness of fire prevention. Only 93 years to record payment of Fire video, audio tapes 1150, promotional materials 12130
【正】 我国现行宪法已经颁布十周年了.十年来,我国宪法在国家生活和社会生活中基本得到了实施,现行宪法对我国社会主义的政治、经济、文化等各方面的发展都起到了十分重要的
动物是孩子们喜爱的绘画主题。国内外精美的绘本、卡通片中的动物形象给他们留下了深刻的印象。记得有一次去动物园,我女儿看到大狗熊后非常惊讶,她说原来熊是这个样子啊,动画片里的熊好看多了。的确,在艺术形象中,灰溜溜的小老鼠变成了可爱时尚的米老鼠,不起眼的大灰狼变成了狡猾机智的灰太狼……这些动物的外形在艺术作品中被夸张、变形,并添加了很多人类的情绪和语言,和小朋友更亲近。  生活中,除了家养的小动物、常见