
来源 :警察实战训练研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellogph
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多年来,我国人民警察的手枪训练及使用,部是军用“五四式”、“六四式”和“七七式”自动手枪,连最新列装的“九二式”9MM也同属军用自动手枪范畴。而“零五式”9MM转轮手枪的列装,标志着我国人民警察开始真正有了警枪的历史。就其内部结构及操作来看,它的有些特点和军用自动手枪相比较而言却是截然相反的,这样就会给今后的训练和使用带来诸多不便。如何去解决这个问题?笔者通过对转轮手枪的使用及对学员的教学训练经验,总结出了几点可使普通民警较快掌握使用转轮手枪,且便于普及推广的方法,以供同仁参考,以期能更好 For many years, the pistol training and use by the People’s Police of our country has been characterized by the military’s “May Fourth” pattern, the “June Fourth pattern”, and the “Seventy-seven” automatic pistol, “9MM also belong to the category of military automatic pistols. The ”zero-five" 9MM revolver pistol outfit, marking the beginning of our people’s police actually have a history of police guns. As far as its internal structure and operation are concerned, some of its features are diametrically opposite to those of military automatic pistols, which will bring inconvenience to future training and use. How to solve this problem? The author through the use of revolvers and teaching and training of trainees experience, summed up a few ordinary police can quickly grasp the use of revolver, and facilitate the popularization and promotion methods for my colleagues reference , In order to be better
我校七八届廿二名研究生,经过三年学习,完满结束教育计划,经毕业论文答辩,十六名研究生成绩为优,六名成绩为良,全部毕业。学校有硕士授予权的专业的十八名 After 23 years
The process of nucleation and crystal growth of NaY zeolite over a temperature rangeof 55°--100℃ in the presence of “crystal direction agent ” are studied.
The crystal and molecular structures of (Ⅰ) and (Ⅱ) have been determined from single-crystal, X-ray diffraotion data collected by counter methods. Compound (
第三世界国家的制图需要讨论会将于1982年4月2日在荷兰,恩斯赫德举行。 Mapping needs of Third World countries The seminar will be held in Enschede, the Netherlands,
摘 要:学校管理,是一个动态变化的过程,涉及方方面面的因素,需要校长具有敏感而智慧的大脑。本文以教学管理为例,从基点的确定、资源的调配、路径的选择等在不同的维度上探讨了校长在决策中需要处理的关系,为校长的决策提供了思考的参照。  关键词:学校管理;确定基点;分配资源;选择路径  中图分类号:G471 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)03-005-2  对学校的有效领导,需要