
来源 :现代生物医学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyawxh
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目的:探讨普贝生促进宫颈成熟,提高足月妊娠经阴道分娩的有效性和安全性。方法:120例足月妊娠的未临产孕妇随机分为试验组与对照组,其中试验组50例给予阴道后穹隆置入普贝生1~2次,对照组50例给予小剂量催产素静脉滴注,比较两组宫颈成熟度,分娩情况及对于产妇、新生儿的影响。结果:①试验组宫颈Bishop评分增加3.81±1.04,对照组增加3.09±1.15,两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)②试验组促宫颈成熟的显效率为78.33%,总有效率为91.67%,高于对照组35.00%显效率和63.33%总有效率(P<0.01)。③试验组阴道分娩率73.33%,进入产程时间(34.19±13.20)h,产程(8.47±2.68)h,对照组阴道分娩率41.67%,进入产程时间(52.14±16.05)h,产程(12.25±3.73)h,两组间比较差异有显著性(P<0.01或0.05)。④试验组产后出血量(225.31±67.80)ml,新生儿体重(3369.48±311.65)g,Apgar评分9.52±0.39,对照组产后出血量(232.44±75.76)ml,新生儿体重(3417.63±359.68)g,Apgar评分9.48±0.47,两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:普贝生可有效促进足月妊娠产妇的宫颈成熟,提高经阴道引产成功率,降低剖宫产率,且安全性好,对母儿影响小。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficiency and safety of Przewalski’s cervical ripening to improve vaginal delivery of full-term pregnancy. Methods: One hundred and twenty pregnant women without term pregnancy were randomly divided into test group and control group. 50 cases in test group were treated with pubell’s dome for 1 ~ 2 times and 50 cases in control group were given low dose oxytocin intravenous infusion Note, compare the two groups of cervical maturation, delivery and the impact on mothers, newborns. Results: ① The Bishop score increased 3.81 ± 1.04 in the test group and 3.09 ± 1.15 in the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). ② The effective rate of cervical ripening in the experimental group was 78.33%, the total effective rate was 91.67%, higher than 35.00% in the control group and 63.33% in the total effective rate (P <0.01). ③ The rate of vaginal delivery in the experimental group was 73.33%, the duration of labor was (34.19 ± 13.20) h, the duration of labor was (8.47 ± 2.68) h, the rate of vaginal delivery in the control group was 41.67%, and the duration of labor was (52.14 ± 16.05) ) h, the difference between the two groups was significant (P <0.01 or 0.05). The amount of postpartum hemorrhage (225.31 ± 67.80) ml, neonatal weight (3369.48 ± 311.65) g, Apgar score 9.52 ± 0.39, control group postpartum hemorrhage (232.44 ± 75.76) ml and newborn weight (3417.63 ± 359.68) g , Apgar score 9.48 ± 0.47, no significant difference between the two groups (P> 0.05). CONCLUSION: Przewalski can effectively promote the cervical maturation of full-term pregnant women, improve the success rate of vaginal delivery, reduce the rate of cesarean section, and have good safety and little effect on maternal and childbirth.