Teaching Grammar in a Communicative Approach

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  【Abstract】This paper focused on the role of grammar in language teaching. In the first analysed the role of grammar in communicative approach, and then it emphasized the importance of grammar teaching.
   【Key words】grammar, communicative, L1, L2
   【中图分类号】G71 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)07-0130-01 There have been enormous interests in Communicative Language Learning, the development of communicative language explicit grammar teaching has a lower profile. The role of grammar in language teaching (Both L1 and L2) has become a matter of debate. In sometimes argued that grammar is not important in a communicative approach to language, the communicative competence rests on a set of composite skills, one of which is grammatical:
   As Michael Canale and Merrill Swain state that (1980) communicative ability is at least composed by strategies competence which can be seen as grammatical competence and communicative strategies. Also there is no strong theoretical motivation to indicate that grammatical competence is more or less fundamental for successful communication than sociolinguistics or strategies competence (Cook, 1991, p.10).
   L2 learners are attempting to communicative through a language that is not their own. It is different from children learning a first language where mental and social develop go hand in hand with language. All strategies rely on the speaker trying to solve the through the L2, a second overall type of communication strategy is fall back on the L1 such as translation from L1 and appearance of assistance and so on. As well as communicative competence, native speakers also posses knowledge of how uses language. The view of grammar as knowledge treats it as sometimes stored unconsciously in the mind – the native speaker’s competence. All of native speakers know the grammar of their language in this sense without benefit of study. Many people speak their mother language, native language without having studied its grammar. For example, children start to speak before they never study grammar, but they even can know the word grammar. When L2 learners learn a foreign language, grammar can help leaner to learn a language more quickly and more efficiently.
   The textbook of grammar provides some exercises to make EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners more conscious of their predilections, for instance suggesting ways for the students to discover grammatical rules themselves. Increasing awareness of language may have many educational advantages in a broad sense. It has no particular licence from the types of grammar. A textbook in grammar for learners must be resolved several problems. The language presented must go beyond practice to enable learners to express learner’s ideas and enable learners, step by step, to be confident enough to try to use the language for their own purpose and to make progress in variety of activities and problems. These textbook will help learner to understanding of structures so that learner can understand other utterances in the target language, an example:
   ☆the word
   endings, etc,
   ☆the sentences
   how words fit together to form sentences
   the functions of sentence:
   promising, warning, informing and ordering
   Knowledge of grammar is though by many to be central area of language system, as teachers and methodologists become more aware of L2 learning research.
   Grammar is an important skill, being the system of rules for the importation of correct sentences and it is essential that learners are able both understand and use the rules of grammar. The learner must be able to use the rules of grammar. In discussing grammar in L2 teaching, it is not possible to considering the role of L1, it is also good news for grammar, since it will be viewed in its natural home, e.g. as a part of communication and not as something remote from communication. Teacher does not go far enough in preparing learners to press their grammatical resources into communicative use.
   [1]Canale,M and Swain, M.(1980). “Theoretical Bases of Communicative Approaches to Second Language Learning and Testing.” Applied Linguistics No.1, 147.
   [2]Cook, V. (1991), Second Language Learning and Language Teaching, Edward Arnold, Great Britain.
【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)07-0120-01在英语教学中经常听到许多高中生这样讲:“我以前的英语成绩还不错,稍微努力一点,就能考120分以上”。初中时觉得英语挺有趣的,为什么上了高中以后英语这么难学呢?即使记住了单词,做题时仍然很茫然,感觉无从下手,英语成绩不升反降。不少初中英语成绩佼佼者到了高中感觉英语学习很吃力,曾是优势科目的英
【摘要】英语的语感是提高教学质量的有效途径,是学生学好英语的前提。但是,英语的语感来源于语言实践积累,又能反过来指导语言实践。因此,语感必须在课堂教学和课外生活中,持之以恒地加以训练和培养,良好的语感才能形成。  【关键词】中学英语教学语感语感培养  【中图分类号】G633.41【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)07-0121-02中学英语应该指导学生正确理解和运用英语,
【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)07-0126-01高中英语语法体系中,非谓语动词的理解和应用是比重最大的一个语法板块,也是一个讲解难度相对较大的一个语法部分。其中的分词形式用作状语又是其一大重难点。同学们在解决这一方面问题时,往往有无从下手之感,造成较多的失分。  我在这一语法板块的教学实践中,总结归纳了如下教学方法,希望对同学们有所帮助
【摘要】英语词汇学习要在语境中进行,且需要量的输入。英文影视对白凭借自身的优势成为词汇教学可利用的有效资源。本文旨在分析传统词汇教学模式以及英文影视对白在艺术院校英语词汇教学方面的优势,并提出英文影视对白促进其词汇学习的有效教学策略,最后通过实证研究证明此法是有效可行的。  【关键词】英文影视对白艺术院校词汇教学  【基金项目】2013年四川外国语言文学研究中心、上海外语教育出版社资助《英文影视对
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