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目的:探讨俱乐部教学联合网络平台教学模式应用于健美操教学的效果。方法:以我校学生为教学对象,共开设3种健美操授课模式,即常规班、教改班1和教改班2,并由学生自主选择授课模式。常规班采用传统健美操教学模式,教改班1采用俱乐部联合网络平台教学模式,教改班2采用俱乐部或网络平台教学模式。一个学期结束后,对比分析三种教学模式的成效。结果:教改班平日抽查成绩、专项技能成绩、专项素质和队形变化均显著高于常规班(P<0.05),且教改班1各项成绩得分均显著高于教改班2(P<0.05);影响学生学习健美操的主要因素是认为健美操可以很好的锻炼身体(81.61%)、缓解学习压力(74.19%)和健美操考试容易过(76.45%);影响学生考试成绩的原因主要是教师、教材原因(77.42%)、害羞(70.97%)和自身协调性差(65.48%)。结论:俱乐部教学联合网络平台教学模式丰富了健美操的授课方式和学习形式,激发了学生学习健美操的激情,同时也充分发挥了健美操授课老师的主观能动性和授课备课的积极性,提高了健美操教学水平的质量。 Objective: To explore the effect of teaching model of club teaching network platform applied to aerobics teaching. Methods: Taking the students in our school as the teaching object, a total of 3 kinds of aerobics teaching modes were set up, that is, regular classes, teaching reform classes 1 and teaching reform classes 2, and students’ choice of teaching modes. Conventional aerobics class teaching mode, the teaching reform class 1 clubs using the joint network platform teaching mode, teaching reform class 2 club or network platform teaching mode. After a semester, comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the three teaching modes. Results: The results of the regular class test, the special skill scores, the special qualities and the formative changes of the teaching reform classes were significantly higher than those of the regular classes (P <0.05), and the scores of the teaching reform classes 1 were significantly higher than those of the teaching reform classes 2 (P <0.05) (81.61%), ease learning pressure (74.19%) and aerobics test easily (76.45%). The main reasons that affect students’ test scores are: Teachers, teaching materials (77.42%), shyness (70.97%) and self-coordination poor (65.48%). Conclusion: The teaching model of club teaching network platform enriches the teaching methods and forms of aerobics, stimulates students’ enthusiasm for aerobics, and also gives full play to the subjective initiative of aerobics teachers and the enthusiasm of teaching preparation and lesson preparation, and improves bodybuilding Teaching level of quality.
给出了圆电流磁场的级数解,讨论了解的收敛性 The series solution of the circular current magnetic field is given, and the convergence of the solution is discussed
截至2009年10月24日24时,我国已有135万人通过了2010年度中央部门公务员考试的资格审查,其报考势头依然不减往年。放眼世界各国的公务员考试,可谓各有特色。 As of 24 Octob
本文在GaAs/GaAlAs外延材料上设计和制作了MMI型1×4光功分器。文中首先给出器件的基本工作原理和特点,随后主要讨论器件制作中的GaAs材料的干法刻蚀工艺,最后给出器件测试结果。 In this paper, M
学中文的却将餐饮作为了事业,  27岁生意规模近3个亿;  财富积累来得快,  自傲自作散得也快;  沉淀过后重战餐饮,  新辣道品牌终成气候!  如今在北京,年轻白领们不知道新辣道的极少,说起梭边鱼不心驰神往的也极少。这似乎是让新辣道集团董事长李剑最舒心的事情了。  本刊记者在新辣道总部采访了李剑,一个时尚帅气、很会讲故事、感性和理性兼备的成功男人。依着这份成功,他已经两次作为餐饮企业代表陪同国
1 大面积、低强度经营择伐的概念大面积经营择伐是指对塔河林业局内的61,8913ha的天然或人工用材林进行经营性质的择伐,这种经营择伐溶抚育伐、渐伐、生长伐、透光伐、卫生
本文将微分求积法(DQ方法)应用于高速大规模集成电路互连线的瞬态模拟。DQ方法是一种直接的数值方法 ,与差分和有限元法相比 ,它的计算量可以大大降低 ,且具有较高的精度。DQ